Chapter 8: Experimental design Flashcards
random assignment/ experimental control
if the scores of the groups are different, the researcher can conclude that the independent vraible cause the results becaus ethe only difference between the groups is the manipulated, independent variable
confounding vairable
varies along with the indepent variables; confounding occurs when the effects that you cannot determinewith of the variables is responsible for the obseration
internal validity
when the results of an experiment can confidently be attributed to the efect of the independent variable
what are some of the must’s in research using experimental design?
- obtain two equivalent groups of participatns 2. introduce the indepedent variable 3. measure the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable
selection differences
the people selected to be in the conditions cannot differe in any systematic way
pretest-postest Design
when researchers use a pretest before the manipulation is introduce. Then the pretest scores are compared to the posttest scores
posttest only design
when no pretest is given and only tested after the independent variable is manipulated
what are three main reasons that researchers use a pretest?
- pretest enables the researcher to asses whether the groups were already equivelant on some critical variable before the manipulation began. 2. a pretest may be necessary to select the participants to include in the research 3. whenever there is a possiblitity that participants will drop out of the experiment
the dropout factor in experiment
what are three disavantages to pretest?
- time-cousuming thus higher motality rate 2. reactivity 3. deception?
Solomon’s four group design
There are four possibilities when administering a pretest. This is called Solomon’s Four-Group Design. There are two main groups, namely those who received the pretest and those who did not.If there is no difference between those who received the pretest and those who did not, then we can conclude that the post-test scores will be similar
repeated measures design/ also called within subjects design
particpatns are repeatedly measured on the dependent variable after being in each condition of the experiment
what are three advantages to the repeated measure design?
- The obvious advantage is that the researcher will require fewer participants since each will take on multiple roles at different times 2.This is an attractive advantage when recruitment becomes difficult 3. Another advantage is that the repeated measures design can quickly notice any differences between the groups since the experiment is repeated
what are three disavantages to the repeated measure design?
- The tasks involved can have an effect. This is called order effect.
- If the participant is repeated the same task, their performance will likely improve (practice makes perfect). This is called practice effect.
- If the participant is doing the same task over and over, they likely will become bored or tired. This is called the fatigue effect
order effect
the order of presenting the treatments affects the dependent variable
practive effect
is an improvement in preformance as a result of the repeated practice with a task
fatigue effect
is deterioration in performance as the research partcipant becoems tire, bored, or distracted
contrast effect
occurs when the response ot the second condition in the experiemnt is altered because the two conditions are contrasted to one another
all posible orders of presentation are included in the experiment
Partial Conterbalancing/ Latin squares
a limited set orders constructed to ensure 1. each condition appears at each odinal position and 2. each condition procedes and follows each condition one time
what are the two major advantages to repeated measure designs?
- a reduction in the number of participants required to complete the experiment 2. the abilit to remove random eorror due to individual differences among partcipants and tus greater ability to detect any effect of the independent variable
what are some of the repeated measures designs?
counterbalancing and latin sqaures
matched pairs desing
instead of simply randomly assigning participants to groups, the goal is to first match people on a partcipant characteristic.
what is one of the first steps to the matching pairs design
have a matching variable, and rank order them from highest to lowest based on their scores
what is the main advantage to the matched pair design?
it might be worwhile when individual differences on the dependent variable are expeted to be vvery large