Chapter 7 Flashcards
Survey research
uses questionnaires and interviews to ask people to provide information about themselves.
what are some of the issues with survey research
The issue with surveys is that participants (for whatever reason) may not answer truthfully
This will reduce the validity of the results
Also, some participants may take a response set that influences all their responses
Response set
is a tendency to respond to all questions from a particular erspective rahter than to provide answers that are directly related to te questions
what are some of the problems with question wording
- unfamiliar technical term 2. vague or imprecise term 3. ungrammatical sentence structure 4. phrasing that overloads working memory 5. embedding the question with misleading information
double-barrelled questions
questions that ask two things at once
loaded question
is a question written to lead people to respond in one way
avoid phrasing with negative
Yea-saying and nay-saying response sets
Simply aagreaing or disagreaing
what is the QUAID (Question Understanding Aid)
computer programm developed by Grasser and his colleagues that analyzes question understanding
Closed ended questions
a limited number of response alternative are given
opened ended questions
respondents are free to anwer in any way thye like
Rating sales
ask people to provide how much judgments on any number of dimensions.
high frequency scale
how much someone does the activity
low frequency scale
how little someone does an activity
graphic rating scale
requires a mark along a contnuous 100-milimetre line that is anchored with descriptions at each ed
the semantic diferencial scale
is a way to measure the meaning people ascribe to concepts
the non-verbal scale
uses images, instead of words or numbers
What did Roberson and Sundstrom obtain from studying returns on surveys?
obtained the highest return rates in an employee attitude survey when important questions were presented first and demographic questions were presented last
What are some of the ways researchers can administer surveys?
questionaires, personal admistration to groups or individuals, mail surveys, internet surveys
what are some of the ways people can administer interviews?
face- to -face interviews, telephone interviews, focus group interviews
focus group
is an interview with a group of about six to ten indivdiuals brought together for a period of usually tow to three hours
Panel study
when people are tracked and surveyed at two or more points in time
is a set of individuas of interest to the research
is a small part of the population used in the research
confidence interval
which s range of plausible values for the population; values outside the confidence interval are implausible
sampling error/ margin of error
when the sample deviates from the population
external validity
when the sample in the research can be generalized to the broader population
sampling frame
is the actual poplation of invididuals (or clusters) from which a random sample will be drawn
response rate
in a survey is simply the percetage of people in the sample who actualy completed the survey
provability sampling
each member of the population has a specifiable probability of being chosen
non-probability sampling
we don’t know the probability of any particualr member of th population
what are three methods of probability sampling?
Simple random sampling, stratified random sampling, cluster sampling.
Simple random sampling
every member of the population has an equal probability of being selected for the sample
random sample
whenver people are randomly selected from a specific popuation to partcipate in a study
stratified random sampling
the population is dvided into subgroups (or streta) and then simple random sampling is used to select sampe members from each stratum
Cluster Sampling
rather than randomly sampling from a list of individuals the reasearch can identify “clusters” and then sample from these cluster. After the clusters are chosen, all individuals in each cluster are included in the sample