Chapter 11: Single case, Quasi-Experimental and developmental research Flashcards
single case experimental designs/ single participant designs
singe case experiments were developed from a need to determine whether an experimental manipulation had an effect on a single research partcipant
in a single case design, the participants behaviour during a control period before introduction of the manipulation
reversal design/ ABA design/ withdrawal design
a single case design in which the treatment is introduced after a baseline period and then withdrawn during a second baseline period. It may be exteneded by adding a secon introduction of the treatment.
What can aprove an ABA design
by turning it into a ABAB or an ABABAB, which introduces the experiment a second or third time
multiple baseline design
observing behaviour before and after a manipulatio under multiple circumstances
what does a multiple baseline across subjects look like?
the behaviour of several subjects is measure over time; for each subject, the behavior of several subjects is measred over time
what does a multiple baseline across behaviours mean?
several different behaviours of a single subject are measured oer time. At different times, the same manipualtion is applied to each of the behaviours
what does a multiple baseline across situations
in which the same behaviour is measured in different settings, such as at home and at work
Program evaluation
is research on programs that are proposed and implemented to achieve some positive effect on a group of individuals
what are 5 types of questions that are needed in program evaluations?
the needs assesments, program theory, process evaluation, outcome evaluation, and the efficenc assement
what is the needs assement question for program evaluation?
asks whether there re, in fact, problems that need to b eaddressed in a traget population
what is the program theory program evaluation?
a type of program evaluation that adresses the program theory. the assesment of program theory may invovle the collaboration of researchers, service providers, and prospectiv clients of the program to determine that the proposed program does in fact address the needs of the target population in apporpriate ways
process evaluation in program evaluation
when the program is under way the evaluation researcher monitors it to determine whether it is reaching the target population, whether it is attracting enough clients, and whether the staff is providing the planned services
outcome evaluation in program evluation
are the inteded outcomes of the program being realized? To determine this, the evluation researcher must divise way of mesauring the outcome and then study the impact of the program on the outcome measure
efficienct assesment
once it is shown that a program does have its inteded effect reassearchers must determine whether it is “worth it”
Quasi experimental designs
address the need to study the effect of an idnependet variable in settings in which the control of true experimental designs cannot be achieved
what are some of the Quasi-experimental design?
one-group posttest-onl desgin, one-group pretest-posttest design
one-group posttest only desing
lacks a crucial element of a true experiment: a control or comparison group
one-group pretest- posttest design
sounds fine relative to the one-group posttest only design, there are still some major probless with it
refers to any event that occurs between the first and second measurements but is not part of the manipulation
history effects
can be caused by virtually any confoudning event that ccur during or after the experimental manipulation, but before the posttest
maturation effect
any changes that occur systematically over time
testing effects
become a problem if simply taking hte pretest changes the particpants behaviour
instrument decay
sometimes the basic characteristics of the measuring instrument or the way particpants use it, chane over time
regression toward the mean
is likely to occur wheever participatns are selected to particpate becase they score exteremely high or low on some variable
non-equivalent control group design
employs a seperate control group, but the partcipants in the two conditions- the experimental gorup and the contrast group- are not equivalent because the partcipants were not randomly assigned
slection difference
usually occurs when participants who form the two groups in the experiment are chosen from existing natural gorups
non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design
a quasi-experimental design in which non-equivalent groups of partcipants participate in the differnt experimental groups, and there is no prest
interupted time series design
A design in which the effectiveness of a treatment is determined by examining a series of measurements made over an extended time period both before and afterr the treatment is introduced. The treatment is not introduced at random point in time
control series design
an extension of th einterrupted time series quasi-experimental design in which there is a comparison or control group
longitudinal method
the same group of people o pbserved at different points in time as they grow older
cross-sectional method
persons of different ages are studied at only one point in time
cohort effects
a group of people born at about the same time and exposed to the same ocietal event; chort effects are confounded with age in a cross-sectional stdy
sequential method
a combination of the corss sectional and longitudinal designs to study developmental research qeustions