Chapter 8: education for personal well being Flashcards
the ____ is not normally considered a family
our _____ ____ has a great impact on our ability to be good family members
personal functioning
the ______ people devote more time to family and friends, express more gratitude, offer more help to others, practice optimism, get more exercise, have lifelong goals, and cope better with stress
what is essential to happiness and productivity?
self esteem
research found self esteem is not predictive of what?
well being is not as simple as ____
self appreciation
learn to respect yourself while cultivating what?
healthy relationships
Martin seligman said that physchology had only focused on what? and believed you should focus on what?
signature strengths
wellness is more than the absence of ___
cultivation of ____ is more important for flourishing than the eradication of weakness
positive psychology is the opposite of what?
traditional psychology which heavily focused on a correction of weakness
Humans are ___ beings
research suggests we are full of cognitive what?
errors, biases and self serving interpretations
gut is manifested in what?
our feelings, makes snap decisions
ex- I don’t like that person
our ____ works to find reasons to justify our gut feelings
minds (head)
naive realism
we think we see the world as it really is. other peoples perspectives are warped by interests and ideologies
myth of pure evil
perception of self as better than we are, and enemies as worse than they are
____ psychology points us outward - the world doesn’t revolve around you
___ build bridges between perspectives
value of humility
being open to the views of others
savor the present
take nothing for granted
appreciate the little things
savor the past
focus on positive experiences
savor the future
be optimistic, not fearful
six factors that enhance coping and savoring
share positive feelings and experiences with friends and family
write about life experiences to help organize meaning
downward hedonic contrast - comparing our lives with the lives of those who are less fortunate - can help us appreciate the things we once hoped for and now enjoy
humor can help maintain perspective and increase experience of joy
spirituality and/or religion can help people find meaning, purpose, and joy
an awareness of the fleetingness of experience can remind us to savor sweet moments
identify strengths through…
listening for yearnings
watching for satisfactions
watch for rapid learning
glimpses of excellence
total performance of excellence
activity that causes you to lose self and time
high skills and effort meet high challenge
flow activities: woodworking, reading, singing, playing with children, etc
any helpful activity
brings meaning to life
use your strengths for good
it feels good to do good
how does it fit into well being?
50% genetics
40% due to choice
10% circumstances
appreciative inquiry (AI)
focus on success, not malfunction