Chapter 15 creating effective collaborative partnerships Flashcards
educational needs of families are ___ and ___ and no one system alone can effectively address the multiplicity of needs and problems of families
_______ organizations, FLE’s and agencies that share common goals can expand their outreach through ollaboration,k partnerships and networking
the _____ process involves various groups working together to provide comprehensive approaches to complex problems of families
collaboration is what?
a process through which parties who see different aspects of a problem can constructively explore their differences and search for solutions that go beyond their own limited vision of what is possible
effective collaborations are what?
full partnerships where all parties try to minimize institutional, disciplinary, and agency barriers and individual agendas to develop a shared vision, common goals, and strategic plans
advantages of collaboration
opportunity to bring together a wide range of expertise on behalf of clientele
decisions at every level of the program are better
can harness and combine financial and Human Resources
enhance likelihood of community buy in
increase likelihood of institutional change
increase likelihood of program dissemination
improve quality of programs and is worth the effort
challenges to collaboration
turf issues - who gets credit or takes responsibility
reaching consensus - takes time to agree
limited resources - may lack finances or staff to collaborate effectively
divergent views - policy positions of different organizations may be inconsistent with each other
member difficulties - may lose funding or staff
a useful model for describing the levels of collaboration is the _____
levels of community linkages model
networking cooperation coordination coalition collaboration
purpose: dialogue and understanding; sharing info between agencies
structure: loose/flexible link; roles loosely defined; community action is primary link among members
process: low- key leadership; minimal shared decision making; little conflict; informal communication
purpose: match needs; limit overlap of services
structure: central body of people as communication hub; semiformal links; roles somewhat defined; links are advisory; group leverages/raise money
process: facilitative leaders; complex decision making; some conflict; formal communications with central group
process: share resources to address common issues or create something new
structure: central body of people consists of decision makers; roles defined; links formalized; groups develops new resources and joint budget
process: autonomous leaderships but focus in on issue; group decision making in central subgroups; communication is clear and frequent
process: share ideas and resources over a multiyear period
structure: all members involved in decision making; roles and time defined; linked formal with written agreement; group develops new resources and joint budget
process: shared leadership; decision making formal with all members; communication is common and prioritized
purpose: build a program together to accomplish a shared vision and impacts
structure: consensus used in shared decision making; roles, times, and evaluation formalized; links are formal and written in work assignment; a full partnership
process: leadership high; trust level high, productive high; ideas and decisions equally shared; highly developed communication
assessing the effectiveness of your collaboration
research and evaluation
political climate
community development
understanding community
steps for creating effective collaborative partnerships
visit with parties
agree on desired outcomes
have a shared Vision, mission and plan
pool resources and jointly plan, implement, and evaluate programs
involve participants in collaboration
focus on participant needs and outcomes
build ownership at all levels
recognize and respect strengths of members