chapter 8 Flashcards
which of the following symbols would be used with a vowel that is produced with greater duration than usual
which of the following vowels is more likely to be used in place of other vowels in casual speech especially unstressed syllables
vowels often take on a nasal consonant this phenomenon is known as
assimilative nasality
word initial voiceless stops are normally aspirated in english. when this aspiration is missing we are likely to perceive the stop to be
partially voiced
which of the following never occurs in word initial position in english
which of the following is not a sonorant consonant
a sound produced with the tongue to be /r/ like shaped would be said to be
glottal stops may be easily confused with
the normal onset or offset of voicing
/z/ produced with air escaping around the sides of the tongue is said to be
which of the following would not be a likely substitution for /l/
lip rounding (or its absence) is easy to transcribe from audio recordings
diphthongization can be difficult to distinguish from off-gliding and on-gliding
stop consonants are frequently replaced by other types of consonants when attempted by young children
initial consonant deletion is a common error in children with delayed speech
voiceless fricatives are longer in duration than voiced fricatives
sonorant consonants are rarely used in place of fricatives
word final voiced fricatives are rarely devoiced
a substitution of /b/ for /m/ would be termed denasalization
another name for velarized /l/ is a light /l/
distortion errors are more common than substitution errors in school aged children