Chapter 8 Flashcards
Learning how certain events occur together
Associative learning
Permanent change in an organisms behavior
Learning procedure in which associations are made between natural stimulus and a learned NS
Classical conditioning.
Psychology should be an objective science based on observable behavior.
Ivan Pavlov
Classical condition mouth watering
What triggers the natural response
US unconditional stimulus
The response to the thing triggered
UR unconditioned response
Thing that we are used to triggered response
CS conditional stimulus
Automatic response to trained thing
CR conditioned response
Initial stage of learning US & NS come to elicit CR
Gradual disappearance of conditional response
Spontaneous recovery
Four years later when you remember the thing because you heard Pavlov again after extinction
Responding similarly to a range of similar stimuli
Responding differently between two stimuli (golden retriever and poodles)
Operant conditioning
Learning in which behavior is strengthened by reinforcer or punisher
Respondent behavior
Behavior that occurs as an automatic response to some stimulus (skinners term)
Operant behavior
Behavior that operates on the environment and produces consequences
Law of effect
Throndikes principle where behavior followed by behavioral consequences become more likely and unfavorable are less likely
Operant chamber
Skinners box- rat leading to cheese bar and key
Reinforcers guide animal to desired behavior
Positive reinforcement
Strengthens response by presenting pleasurable reward
Negative reinforcement
Taking away something negative.
Decreases the likely hood of a behavior continuing
Negative punishment
Take away something positive
Positive punishment
Add something negative
Primary reinforcers
Satisfies biological need. Innately reinforcing stimulus
Conditioned reinforcers
Gains reinforcing powers through association with primary reinforcer
Reinforcing the desired response every time it occurs
Continuous reinforcement
Partial reinforcement
Reinforcing only part of the time
Fixed ratio schedule
Reinforce response only after a certain number of responses.
An unpredictable number of responses
Variable ratio schedule
Fixed interval schedule
A response after a specified time has elapsed
Variable interval schedules
A response at unpredictable time intervals
Latent learning
Occurs but is not apparent until given incentives
Cognitive map
Mental layout of ones environment.
Intrinsic motivation
Desire to perform a behavior effectively and for its own sake
Desire to behave in certain ways to avoid threatened punishment
Extrinsic motivation
Observational learning
Learning by Observing and imitating others
Process by which we observed and learn
Mirror neurons
Crying because you see your friend cry. Mirror the emotions or actions you view.
Albert bandura
Bobo doll experiments. Beating up a doll in front of children makes them do it too.
Pro social behavior
Positive constructive helpful behavior