Chapter 7 - Music and the Renaissance Flashcards
What are the dates for the Renaissance?
Two ongoing conflicts were resolved in the 15th century. What were they?
- The great schism ended in 1417
- The Hundred Years War ended in 1453
When did the Byzantine empire fall?
The re-stabilization of the European economy after 1400 led to what?
- Growth of the middle class
- Specialization of economies and regional products
- Growth of aristocratic influence and patronage of the arts
The renaissance can be described as a blend of what three influences?
- Sources in Classical civilization
- Medieval practices
- New innovations by creatives
How did Ottoman attacks on Constantinople starting in 1396 set off the interest in Classical writings during the Renaissance?
Scholars from Constantiople fled to Italy, bringing ancient sources of knowledge with them. They taught Italian scholars the Greek, and Classical writings began to be translated into Latin and spread throughout Europe
The most important intellectual movment of the Renaissance was ___________.
What is Humanism?
This is the belief in the abilities of man to solve problmes and explain the world, a faith in the nobility of man, and an emphasis on the humanities (Rhetoric, grammer, poetry, history, philosophy, etc.)
During the Renaissance, Humanism replaced ________.
What humanistic subject had the most influence on music of the Renaissance?
Rhetoric, the organization and flow of ideas
In Renaissance art, there was an increased development of clarity, chiaroscuro (realistic light and shade), and perspective. How did composers create parallels of this in their music? (Name four)
- Expanded the pitch range of compositions
- Used contrasts in texture
- Emphasized the clarity of what mode was being used
- Frequent cadences
What is a court chapel?
A court chapel is a collection of of musicians and clerics that are in the service of an individual aristocrat or nobleman rather than a building or the larger church
What are the duties of the members of the court chapel?
Members of the court chapel served as scribes, composers, and performers of both music for entertainment and church services
Describe the couterpuntal preferences of the Renaissance
Renaissance counterpoint favored consonances (3rds, 6ths, P5, P8) and heavily controlled dissonances and parallel octaves and 5ths
What was the most important treatise on counterpoint of the 15th century, who was it by and when was it written?
Liber de Arte Contrpuncti of 1477 by Tinctoris
Starting in the late 15th century, composers began to compose all the lines of a piece at the same time. What were they doing before and why was the new way better?
Composers were originally composing the tenor and cantus voice first then adding the supporting voices. This resulted in very disjunct voice leading in these lines. Composing all lines together allowed for conjunct voice leading and greater consonance.
In medieval musical practice the music was thought of as a way to decorate the words. Renaissance text setting and composition valued:
Renaissance text setting and composition valued:
- Clear declamation
- Music that dramatized the text and conveyed it’s feelings
With the new emergence of Greek texts, theorists had a renewed interest in Classical thought including music. Name four ways Greek writings influenced Renaissance musical life
- Restored the idea that music should be a part of every educated citizens life and of the nobility
- Fostered the notion that certain modes can have specific emotional effects
- Chromatisism, direct movement by semitone
- Music as a servant to the words