Chapter 1 - Ancient and Medieval Worlds Flashcards
What had the strongest direct influence on the development of western music?
Ancient Greek writings and culture
What are four types of evidence that we can use to help reconstruct what past music was like?
- Physical evidence
- Visuals
- Writings
- Recordings
In Mesopotamian cultures, how was music used?
Music has been discovered that was to be used for weddings, funerals, for the military, for work, to accompany stories, and basically all other aspects of everyday life
Who is the first composer that we know by name and what sort of music did she write?
Enheduanna, (2300BC) a priestess in the city of Ur, who wrote hymns to praise the moon gods. The texts but not the music survive.
Around what time did musicians begin to write down what they knew instead of just using word of mouth?
This happened around 1800 BC, and they wrote about instruments, tuning procedures, genres, different kinds of songs, etc.
What is the difference between a harp and a Lyre?
The strings on a lyre run parallel to the soundboard, whereas on a harp they are perpendicular to the soundboard and the neck is connected directly to the sound box
The Babylonian seven note diatonic scale system are likely to have influenced which key culture?
The ancient Greeks were likely influenced by Babylonian musical practices and theory
Describe the Aulos
A type of pipe that was usually played in pairs, with fingerholes, and a mouthpiece with a reed.
Associated with Dionysus, the god of wine and fertility
Describe the Greek Lyre
A type of lyre that was held against the hip, strummed with a pick in the right hand while the left touched the strings. The sound box was often a tortoise shell with leather stretched over it. Was an essential part of Greek education.
The Lyre is associated with Apollo, prophecy, music, and the arts
Describe the Kithara
This was a large lyre used in ancient Greece mainly for ceremonial purposes, processions, and the theatre.
In ancient Greece, what were the two principal kinds of writings on the subject of music?
- Philosophical: The effects, proper use of, and the nature of music
- Describing the materials of music or theory
The Greeks called music as a performing art _______
They called it melos
“Perfect” melos consisted of what?
Melody, text, and stylized dance
Who was the founder of Greek music theory
Pythagoras (d. 500 B.C.)
Describe the concept of Harmonia
This is the unification of parts to make an orderly whole. The Greeks believed that the ratios, rhythms, scales, etc of music reflected the harmonious order of the universe
What is ethos?
This is one’s ethical character, or way of being and behaving
What is a tetrachord?
A grouping of 4 notes in the Greek system spanning a P4 with the top and bottom notes being fixed
What are the genus in the Greek system?
The diatonic, chromatic, and enharmonic
What is the Greater Perfect system?
This is a grouping of 4 tetrachords with the outer notes of the tetrachords being fixed while the inner ones are variable to create different genre. A lower note is added to make a 2 octave span
What are species, refering to P4, P5, and 8va’s?
These are different arrangments of the limited number of whole and half steps that are in any individual P4 or P5. The species of 8va’s are combinations of the different species of P4 and P5
Describe Tonoi
This is a scale of set of pitches that pertains to a particular range of the voice.
Name four Roman instruments
The tibia (aulos), tuba (similar to a trumpet), cornu (circular horn), buccina (small cornu).