Chapter 20 - The Enlightenment Flashcards
Galant style valued what?
Galant style valued music that was natural, expressive and immediately appealing to wide audiences
When was the seven years war and who was mainly involved?
France and England, 1756-1763
Key pillars of the Enlightenment
Reason, nature, and progress
The Enlightenment was mainly a ______
Humanitarian movement
What are some beliefs of the Enlightenment?
Belief in universal education, a set of universal human rights, and promoting the welfare of mankind
What group became more influential during the Enlightenment, affecting the arts?
The public, especially the middle class became more influential, and arts and publications were now produced with them in mind
Who were the philosophes?
These were leading thinkers in the enlightenment advocating social reform
Name four the main philosophes
Voltaire, Rousseau, Diderot, and Montesquieu
What group valuing Enlightenment principles was founded in London in the 18th century?
The Freemasons
What country was formed on Enlightenment principles?
The United States
What are connoisseurs?
Connoisseurs are informed listeners who cultivate a taste for the best in music
Music that was praised by the public and critics during the Enlightenment has what characteristics?
The public and critics gravitated toward music that was expressive and natural, vocally conceived melodies in short phrases with sparse accompaniment
Where did galant style originate?
Galant style originated in Italian opera and concertos
Descibe galant style features and organization
Galant style features:
- Songful melodies
- Short breathed repeated gestures
- Sparse accompaniment
- Short phrases organized in to 2-4 measures
- Frequent cadences
What are some characteristics of the empfindsam style
This style features striking harmonic turns, nervous rhythms, rhapsodic speech-like melody, and chromaticism
The empfindsam style is associated with which composer?
C.P.E Bach, especially in his fantasias and slow movements
The dates of the classical period
What is a period?
A complete musical idea that is concluded by a cadence
Compositions of the classical period were made up of what units related to form?
Periods, two or more per composition
What is periodicity?
This is a stylistic trend in music where melody is broken up into segments that relate to each other as part of a larger whole, like sentences
During this time theorists compared melody and composition to what?
Melody to a sentence and composition to a speech
What is Alberti bass?
This consists of a bass line whose chords are played in a repeating arpeggiated pattern
Who is Alberti bass named for?
The Italian composer Domenico Alberti (1710-1746)
What does empfindsam style translate to?
“Emotional” style
In the classical era, two or more phrases concluded by a cadence was a _______
What was the “Concert Spiritual?”
This was a recurring public concert series in Paris that showcased many different national styles and types of music
The first concert halls and concert societies emerged in what city?
London, starting in the 1670’s
Who wrote one of the first comprehensive histories of music?
Charles Burney’s “A General History of Music” (1776-89)
Writers distinguished between the galant style and what?
Learned, counterpuntal styles
Who during this time compared composition to Rhetoric?
Heinrich Christoph Koch
Heinrich Christoph Koch compared composition to what?
The art of rhetoric