Chapter 7: Moral Development Flashcards
moral development
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors regarding standards of right and wrong
Kohlberg Pre-conventional Reasoning
morality is often focused on reward and punishment
Conventional Reasoning
individuals abide by certain standards, but they are the standards of others; develop expectations about social roles
Post Conventional Reasoning
morality is more internal, recognizes alternatives, explores options, and decide on moral code
Justice Perspective
focuses on rights of the individual
Care Perspective
connectedness with others, emphasizes interpersonal communication, relationships and concern for others
Domain Theory
there are moral, social conventional, and personal domains of moral development
Social Conventional Reasoning
conventional rules that have been established by social consensus in order to control behavior and maintain social system
Social Cognitive Theory
a distinction between adolescents moral competence and moral performance
reactions to another’s feelings with an emotional response that is similar to the other’s feelings
moral identity
moral notions and commitments are central to their life
moral character
having strength of your convictions, persisting, and overcoming distractions and obstacles
love withdrawal
removing love or attention from the adolescent
power assertion
attempts to gain control over adolescent or adolescent’s resources
uses reason and explanation of consequences for others of the adolescent’s actions
hidden curriculum
moral atmosphere that characterizes every school
character education
teaching students a basic moral literacy to prevent them from engaging in immoral behavior and doing harm to themselves or others
values clarification
helping individuals to clarify what their lives are for and what is worth working for
cognitive moral education
belief that students should learn to value things like democracy and justice as their moral reasoning develops
service learning
form of education that promotes social responsibility and service to the community
beliefs and attitudes about the way things should be
organized set of beliefs, practices, rituals, and symbols that increase and individual’s connection to a sacred or transcendent other
the degree of affiliation with an organized religion, participation in prescribed rituals and practices, connection with its beliefs, and involvement in a community of beliefs
experiencing something beyond oneself in a transcendent manner and living in a way that benefits others and society
Caprara et al. (2014)
Irritability and hostile rumination in adolescents and young adults appear to influence moral disengagement. In turn, this moral disengagement appears to be related to aggression and violence in adolescent behaviors.