chapter 7 Flashcards
while it is possible for an adolescent to benefit psychologically from working, …
it is not probable
most common adol jobs fast-food restaurants or retail stores problem with this
—ranked highest in stress and in interference with other parts of life, and lowest in their likelihood of providing skills or leading to a career
Working long hours takes an especially bad toll on achievement among low income families
f Working long hours takes an especially bad toll on achievement among White and Asian students from middle-class families
Employed students often protect their grades by …3
cutting corners, taking easier classes, and cheating
The impact of working on students’ actual grades and achievement test scores is large
f small
When large numbers of students in a school are employed, even those who don’t have jobs can be affected indirectly how
Some teachers have responded by lowering classroom expectations, assigning less homework, and using class time for students to complete assignments that otherwise would be done outside of school
keeping teenagers busy with work keeps them out of trouble.
the teenage work and substance use correlation disappears over time
f People who worked long hours as teenagers drink and use drugs more in their late 20s than their peers who worked less or not at all
who does working have more positive effects for
mixed results but has special benefits for inner-city adolescents from single-parent families, from poor families, with poor school records, or with histories of delinquency
In sum, although teenagers generally enjoy working, there is little evidence, with the exception of …, that doing so contributes in significant ways to their psychosocial development
disadvantaged inner-city youth
cycle of adol employment and school decline?
Adolescents who are less attached and committed to school, and who are more involved in problem behavior, are more likely to choose to work long hours. Working long hours, in turn, leads to more disengagement from school and increased problem behavior
intensive employment during the school year most threatens the school performance and psychological well-being of those students who can …
least afford to suffer the consequences of overcommitment to a job.
how much time spent in leisure activities
nearly half of waking hors
what defines a leisure activity
they choose how they spend this time
Between grades 5 and 9, adolescents’ moods while with … become more positive, whereas their moods while with their …become more negative between elementary and middle school (between grades 5 and 7) and then rise between ….
middle school and high school
which 2 extracurricular best for psychology development
structured extra
such thing as too much extracurricular involvement
Studies have found benefits of participating in structured extracurricular activities as many as 8 years after high school graduation for which activities
only among individuals whose activities were school-sponsore= attachment to school =edu success
relationship with adults in program
One study of a high school … also found that the experience contributed in important ways to adolescents’ emotional development
theater production
… of all adolescent athletes say they’ve been deliberately injured by an opponent
when is spending time in a adol recreation centre bad
when time is unstructured and unsupervised
Adolescents who spend five or more evenings out in an average week are at least … times more likely to be involved in antisocial activity than those who go out less than twice a week
delinquency is more common on weekday afternoons than at any other time why
out of school parents at work
In 2016, more than …% of mothers with children between ages 6 and 17, and more than …% of fathers with children this age, were employed
Both parents work in nearly …% of households with children this age
poor children less likely to be supervised after school
f Affluent, suburban, and White children are most likely to be home unsupervised, and poor, minority, and urban and rural children are least likely
The negative effects of low parental monitoring and unsupervised peer group activity are especially pronounced in …
unsafe neighborhoods
What should parents do if they have no choice but to leave their youngsters in self-care?..
Experts advise parents to provide clear instructions about the child’s after-school activities and whereabouts, ask the child to check in with an adult as soon as he or she gets home, and teach the child how to handle any emergencies that arise
when asked to not use screens for a week how did they cope
Many students reported sleeping much more than usual as a way of coping; adolescents frequently use media to distract themselves from negative thoughts and emotions
reports at end of screen free week were they were going to stop using
f couldn’t wait to get back
weekend screen time use is worse
f weekend use is less problematic than weekday use
Naturally, the ultimate value of the Internet as an educational tool depends on the …
quality and content of the information conveyed
…% of all adolescents reported receiving unwanted sexual material, although fewer than half said that they had received material that upset them
boys also are more dissatisfied with their body after seeing music videos featuring exceptionally buff models or comparing themselves to others on social media
when adolescents played violent video games with their parents, they reported increase in aggression
f decline
Although most of the research on the impact of media violence is correlational, experimental research on the effects of video games on adolescent behavior are inconclusive, with some studies finding small effects and others none at all except for adol with mental health
f even with adol with mental health problems
that the proliferation of violent video games has led to a drop in violent crime
labelling violent video games reduces their use
f makes them more attractive to teens
are violent video games or images on TV worse
In contrast to studies of violent video games and music, numerous studies have shown that repeated exposure to violent imagery on television leads to aggressive behavior in children and youth, especially among those who have prior histories of aggression
For every public service announcement discouraging alcohol use, teenagers see a ad for alcoholic beverages
f 25 to 50 adds for alc
One problem in linking exposure to advertising and the use of alcohol or tobacco is that …
it is unethical to experimentally manipulate exposure in order to see whether increasing the number of ads adolescents see leads to an increase in their use of harmful substances.
The impact of …on adolescents’ behavior and development is interesting, poorly understood, and controversial
social media
adolescents’ online friends will displace the friendships they maintain in person
f keeps them in touch will people they see
the impact of social media on adolescents’ moods depends on …
what they learn when they check their accounts: When adolescents seek and find social support and positive feedback, they feel better; when they seek it but don’t get it, they feel worse
Frequent messaging, especially with acquaintances who are not close friends, can be healthy
become compulsive and lead to feelings of depression
T: Excessive worry that others are having rewarding experiences that don’t include you.
fear of missing out (FOMO)
compulsive Internet users are more introverted, less agreeable, and less emotionally stable what does this tell us
they were this way to begin with wasn’t internet that caused it just manifesting this way
social media sites are a context in which the socially rich get richer and the socially poor get poorer explain this
the impact of social media use on adolescents’ self-conceptions depends on the extent to which they have peer support at school; teenagers with a lot of friends benefit from frequent use of social media, whereas those with few friends suffer from it.
Depressed adolescents, in turn, are more likely to be victimized on social media sites why
depression are more likely to use social media to engage in social comparison and feedback seeking which may increase their anxieties and concerns, just as these behaviors do when they are done offline
adolescents with relatively more psychological problems and poorer family relationships are more likely than their peers to do what online
form close online relationships with strangers and post private information online
Most sexting is flirtatious and consensual, and often done at the request of a romantic partner
sexting encourages sexual activity
f if anything, it is sexual activity that leads to sexting, rather than the reverse
Many commentators view sexting as another type of …t, in which males are the usual perpetrators and females are the usual victims.
sexual harassmen`
A moderate amount of solitude (during which daydreaming is a central activity) is negatively related to high school students’ psychological well-being
f positively
… exert a far greater influence on adolescent development than do any of the media about which they are often so alarmed.
parents themselves
why little cause effect with media adol studies
because adolescents choose the media to which they are exposed, it is very difficult to demonstrate that adolescents are actually affected by what they see and hear
the vast majority of teenagers use the Internet in ways that are not only benign, but similar to their parents: ..3
to stay in touch with friends, to download and enjoy popular entertainment, and to keep up with the world around them.
although adults believe that the mass media have a uniformly negative effect on adolescents’ behavior, studies show that … affect their media use more than vice-versa.
adolescents’ interests
how does the wage differ for those who have a uni edu vs not differ?
the gap is getting smaller in Canada not in the US widening in
in the 16s and 70s what was the wage gap like in the US
not big! 7-8ooo dollar difference
what led to rise Adolescents’ Free Time in Contemporary Society
compulsory schooling and affluence
4 main things adol spend their time doing
work academics, social time, screen time
Wolf, S., Aber, J. L., & Morris, P. A. (2015). Patterns of time use among low-income urban minority adolescents and associations with academic outcomes and problem behaviors. Journal of youth and adolescence,
how much variability in how adol spend free time
a lot! Wolf study shows how they do is related to functioning
what was wolfs study
urban minority youth (African latino
those who spend free time academically perform better ac and less risky behaviours compared to those who spend it with social acitvites= highest risky behaviours lowest academic outcomes
wolf: are there Well-rounded adolescents? is focusing on single activity better?
yes! dabble in many things
better functioning= adaptive, organization commitment to Dif things
wolf: adol who are …. are better adjusted and more accomplishments
wolf: problem with study?
chicken egg?
today the majority of highshool students work a job after school before they grad
proportion of high school students who work during school year is increasing
f declining
The Rise and Fall of the Student Worker: before 1925?
Before 1925, most entered the workforce by 15 years of age. (you were a student or a worker not both)
The Rise and Fall of the Student Worker: what led to shift to edu
Compulsory education laws and child labor laws: • Restricted adolescents’ work opportunities.
• Decline in adolescent student workers (didn’t drop out to work due to economic changes)
The Rise and Fall of the Student Worker: Second half of 20th century
retail and service industries
return to of adolescence to work force
part time, short work shifts for low wage
The Rise and Fall of the Student Worker: why current declines in work? 3
- High school commitments
- Economy (recession)
- Technological advances (gave youth leisure time)
The Rise and Fall of the Student Worker: is the current decline in adol worker happening universally?
student employment varies in other countries
student employment not common in Japan
McCreary Adolescent Health Survey: how many adol work during school year?
1/3rd work paid job during school year but lower than a decade earlier