Chapter 6 Schools Flashcards
even in the poorest parts of the world—sub-Saharan Africa, for example—close to … of 10- to 14-year-olds and 40–50% of 15- to 19-year-olds are enrolled in school
Middle schools, junior high schools, and high schools.
secondary school
between 11 and 18 the typical American student will spend about.. hours in school—not even counting time on homework and school-related activities outside of school
.how are schools different from family and peers
directly influenced by needs and demands of society
The proportion of the 14- to 17-year-old population enrolled in school increased dramatically between …. continued to increase until …, and then leveled off.
1910 and 1940,
By …, the idea of universal compulsory education for adolescents had gained widespread acceptance.
One reason that schools today are asked to do so much more than educate adolescents is ,…
that new demands are placed on schools every time a different social problem involving adolescents receives widespread attention.
The proportion of American adolescents enrolled in high school grew dramatically between …
1920 and 1940.
T: has been the most important change in the world of American education in the past 20 years
holding teachers, schools, school districts, and states accountable for the achievement of their students
T: Thinking that involves analyzing, evaluating, and interpreting information, rather than simply memorizing it.
critical thinking
T: A proposed set of standards in language arts and mathematics that all American schools would be expected to use.
common core
T: Policies designed to improve achievement by holding schools and students to a predetermined set of standards measured by achievement tests.
standards based reform
when did other school options gain popularity
The bottom line is that what takes place within a school is probably more important than …
the nature of its funding and oversight.
T: Government-subsidized vouchers that can be used for private school tuition.
T: Public schools that have been given the autonomy to establish their own curricula and teaching practices.
chapter schools
the achievement gap what is it
between White and non-White youngsters, which had been closing for
some time, grew wider during the 1990s, especially in large urban school districts
Just …% of the high schools in the United States produce half of the country’s dropouts, and … of Black and Latino students attend one of these “dropout factories”
who preforms best on math and reading Tess latino white black Asian
asian, white latino black
In the nation’s large inner-city public schools, only … of students are judged proficient in science
surveys of American high school students indicate that so many are afraid of being victimized that nearly … of high school students across the country regularly carry a gun, knife, or club, with even higher percentages doing so in some inner-city neighborhoods
Students’ attachment to school is weaker in larger schools, particularly when the number of students in a grade exceeds …
school size affects academic outcomes, students’ emotional attachment to the institution and mental health
While school size may affect academic outcomes, it does not necessarily affect students’ emotional attachment to the institution (Anderman, 2002) or their mental health
Contrary to widespread opinion, there is no evidence that rates of student victimization are higher in larger schools
t although victimization is less likely in schools where the student-teacher ratio is lower, perhaps because it is easier for schools to establish and enforce norms about how to behave
T: Subdivisions of the student body within large schools created to foster feelings of belongingness.
schools within schools
The ideal size of a high school is between … students
600 and 900
although large schools may be able to offer more diverse curricula and provide greater material resources to their students, the toll that school size may take on student l…2appears to exceed the benefits of being bigger
earning and engagement
T:An educational institution designed during the early era of public secondary education, in which young adolescents are schooled separately from older adolescents.
junior high school
why drop in motivation and achievement in high school
It is hardly surprising that students experience a drop in achievement motivation when they enter middle or junior high school, given the change in environments they experience and the mismatch between what adolescents need developmentally and what the typical school context provides.
changing schools in itself isn’t the problem
Students who had been doing poorly do better if they stay with their friends
f actually adjust better if they enroll in a different school than their friends, perhaps because their friends were contributing to their poor performance
The practice of separating students into ability groups, so that they take classes with peers at the same skill level.
Research on tracking suggests that it has positive effects on … and negative effects on … who?
the achievement of students in the more advanced tracks but negative effects on students in the lower tracks.
when does the big fish little pond effect occur when not
The effect seems to be limited to what goes on in students’ regular schools; students who participate in summer programs for the academically talented don’t seem to suffer psychologically as a consequence
But during the late 1980s and 1990s, many policy makers suggested that one way to improve schools would be to give parents more choice in determining where their child was enrolled, to force schools to compete for the best students. pro of this choice?
When information about school test scores is provided to parents, parents choose to send their children to higher-performing schools, which in turn increases the students’ achievement
students’ …is a far more powerful influence on their achievement than is the quality of the schools they attend
family background
the most important school-related influence on learning and psychosocial development during adolescence is …
what takes place in the classroom.
One of the strongest influences on how much students enjoy going to school is the extent to which they feel their teachers …
respect and care about them
Which pathway is more powerful—the impact of student performance on teacher expectations, or the impact of teacher expectations on student performance?
80% of the connection between teacher expectations and student achievement results from teachers having accurate perceptions, and about 20% is an effect of the self-fulfilling prophecy
teachers’ expectations for minority student performance tend to be higher in schools where there is more …
cross-ethnic interaction between students
the researchers presented teachers with scenarios about student misbehavior and used either stereotypically White or stereotypically Black names to describe the student how did black vs white student differ
Teachers who were led to believe that the student was Black were more troubled by second infractions and more likely to recommend harsh discipline
One reason so many teenagers complain of boredom in school is that few school hours are spent in activities that …
engage them intellectually or encourage critical thinking
what age range finds school most boring
high school
high achieving high schools don’t experience the high levels of disengagement
Even in high-achieving schools, about two-thirds of students are not fully engaged; they work hard, but they don’t enjoy their schoolwork or find it valuable
A bright student who attends a school in which getting good grades is frowned upon by other students - what is the influence
will actually get lower grades than he or she would in a school in which scholastic success is generally admired.
when are black students more likely to be victimized
White students are more likely to be victimized than Black students, especially when White students are in the minority, but Black students are more likely to be victimized in schools with a higher proportion of minority students
urban high school found that Asian students were often the victims of violence and verbal harassment at the hands of their Black and Latino classmates why
, in part because they believed that teachers favored Asians and discriminated
Postsecondary education grew dramatically between …, paralleling the rise of secondary education between ….
1950 and 1970
1920 and 1940
More than… of American high school graduates enroll in college immediately after graduation
although a great deal has been done to make college entrance more likely, .. what problem remains
rates of college graduation lag far behind rates of enrollment.
Completing a few years of college without getting a degree is better than not going to school
provides little advantage over just graduating from high school.
One of the unfortunate by-products of our having made postsecondary education so accessible—and so expected—is …
that we have turned our backs on individuals who do not go directly to college
schools that serve the most needy students—from poor families or with limited language skills—are least likely to have qualified teachers
When Norway s… the average IQ of the young adult population increased significantly
ome years ago increased the number of years of schooling it required adolescents to complete,
Students’ happiness in school is most influenced by their …
relationships with their peers
“How do schools affect adolescent development?”
“Which schools, which adolescents, and in what ways?”
It is important to keep in mind that what takes place in the classroomis influenced by the way in which the ….2
schoolis organized, and that the way in which the school is organized is influenced by the needs and demands of the community.
schools organized, and that the way in which the school is organized is influenced by the needs and demands of the community. what model does this follow
Bronfenbrenner ecological systems theory (role of multiple context)
The rise in secondary education was the result of several historical and social trends that converged at the turn of the twentieth century: 3