Chapter 7 Flashcards
They are… For some portion of life cycle and all life cycles include a period of ….. Development
Motile, embryonic
Radial symmetry
Round, equal parts radiate from central point
Bilateral symmetry
Can be divided into left and right halves that are more or less equal
No symmetry like sponge
Porifera also known as
The sponges
Sponges movement: all are ….
Sessile meaning non motile and attached to hard substrate
Numerous tiny pores that allow water to pass through sponge are? Which in turn allows them to…. Feed. This water flow is essential for what?
Ostia, filter
Carrying waste away from cells and carry gametes
Characteristics of Porifera: symmetry, mostly?, they have what capabilities
Types of cells in sponges , what creates the water current? What do the collars do?
Choanocytes (collar cells) which line interior canals
Trap food particles
Structural support of sponges: spongin and spicules
Support protein
Support structure made of silica or calcium carbonate
Modes of reproduction for sponges , most sponges are ?
Asexual budding or sexual where sponge releases sperm to be picked up by nearby sponge
Hermaphroditic (both male and female parts)
Cnidarians also known as
Stinging animals
Cnidarians symmetry?, mostly?, two body forms?, two tissue layers?
Radial because of individual polyps
Medusa: free floating transported by currents and mouth and tentacles face down
Polyp: sessile, mouth and tentacles up
Epidermis covers body
Gastrodermis lines internal body for digestion
What gives cnidarian so their sting?
Cnidocytes (stinging cells) with nematocysts capsules on tentacles , for protection and feeding
Cnidarian so digestive system is?
Incomplete , sac like with only mouth , 1 way
Reproduction in cnidarians
Sexual: medusa stage with epidermal gonads
Zygotes develop into plan ulna that settle on the ground and forms a colony which produces new medusas
Asexual: polyps by budding
Scyphozoa (a.k.a ?) , phyla?, stage ? , all? , movement? ,
True jellyfish
Medusa only forms polyp in reproductive life
Rhythmic contractions and can’t fight against prevailing water currents
Powerful stings
Classification of cnidarians: Anthozoa (a.k.a ?) , stage of cnidarian?, corals secrete?, what kind of algae?, all?
Corals, sea whips , sea pansy, anemones Colonial polyps lack medusa stage Calcium carbonate house Symbiotic algae within body tissue = zooxanthallae Marine
Classification of cnidarians: Hydrozoa , what is stage?, hat is unusual species?, both … And ….?
Polyp forms with medusa
Physalia : colony of polyps carried by gas filled float
Freshwater and marine
Cnidarians ctenophores also known as
Comb jellies
Flatworms consist of what ?, some are …. And others are…., they have a … Brain which is?, how many tissue layers ?, symmetry?
Flukes, tapeworms, turbellarians Parasitic, free living First brain: clusters of nervous tissue in head 3 distinct Bilateral
Turbellarians: eating?, what do they have present to help determine light and dark patterns ?, size?, color?, NOT ? When it comes to reproduction they are ?
Carnivores free living Eye spots Small Striking color patterns Nudibranchs Hermaphrodites
General characteristics of all invertebrates: multi or uni? Heterotrophic or autotrophic? Require ….. For …..respiration?
Multicellular, heterotrophic, oxygen aerobic
Flukes: phyla?, in terms of eating they are all?, what do they have to attach to blood vessels?, what are the host of the adult fluke?, what is the host for the larval stage?
Shell fish or fish
Flatworm tapeworm: in terms of eating they are?, what do they have as suckers and hooks, what does the specialized cuticle surrounding it do?, they have no?, where are adults found in?, where are larval found?
Parasitic Scolex Allows for absorption of nutrients Digestive system Vertebrates Vertebrates and invertebrates
Ribbon worms: where do they prefer to live?, explain digestive system, what is long fleshy tube used to catch prey?, one species reaches length of… Making it what?
Shallow coastal water
Complete mouth and anus
100 ft. Longest invertebrates
Annelids (a.k.a?) , where do they live? , well developed?, segmented both… And ….., symmetry?, what are setae and what are they useful for? (Except in which species?)
Segmented worms
Saltwater, fresh water, or moist terrestrial
Nervous system with brain
Internally and externally
Bristles like structures that extend from side which help it stay in place
Except in leeches
Sand worm, polychaete means?
Multiple setae
polychaete phyla?, are the …. Group of Annelids, nearly exclusively ?, some build… Tubes or tubes of?, when it comes to eating some are…. And others are ?
Largest and most diverse
Marine, some in murky freshwater
Calcareous , sticky protein
Carnivorous, deposit feeders
oligochaetes: phyla?, where do they live?,the marine species are like terrestrial because why?, mainly found in?, have fewer what?
They burrow in sediments where they are deposit feeders
Shallow coastal waters
Pogonophorans phyla?, (a.k.a?) lack a ?, largely restricted to live in the?, range in size from 4in-7in
Bearded worms
Digestive system
Deep sea
Sipunculans phyla?, (a.k.a?) , all … Found in what habitat?, up segmented bodies posses what?, normally burrow in what? How do they eat
Peanut worms Marine, shallow coastal waters Retractable multi lobed or tentacle anterior used for feeding Soft sediments Deposit feeder
Mollusk have what kind of bodies?, what is mantle used for ? She’ll is made of ?, how do they eat?, well developed ?, what do they use for grazing
Soft , head muscular foot visceral mass
Waste disposal, sensory reception, respiration, it secretes it
Calcium carbonate
Deposit feeders, carnivores or radula to scrape algae
Nervous system
chitin phyla?, dorsal shell of?, ventral …and….?, many graze on?
8 plates
Muscular foot and mouth with radula
Algae and small animals in intertidal zone
Bivalves are a type of?, examples, two shells are called?, oldest part of the shell is called the?, what secures the shells together?, water is circulated with?, gills are for?, they attach to substrate via?
Molluscs Clams oysters scallops mussels Valves Umbo Adductor muscles Siphons Respiration and food gathering Byssal threads No radula or head
Largest class of mollusk is called what?, how many species ?, what does their name , what is the shell?, there is no shell on what type ?
Gastropods 75,000 Bellyfooted Coiled Sea slugs (nudibranchs)
Cephalopods are what ?, examples?, why are they fast swimming?, well developed?, what covers body?, what do they use to eat?, where is their shell?, some octopuses have …bites?,what does ink sac do?, what is the modified shell called
Molluscs Squid, octopus, nautilus , cuttlefish Water jet propulsion Eyes Thick mantle Beak like jaws and radula Internal or absent Toxic Allow to escape from predators Pen
Arthropods how many species?, most in what species?, how much percent on earth?, what kind of exoskeleton?, what kind of appendages?, sections divided into 1.,2.,3.? Specialized segmentation a means what?, specialized eye and sensory organs gives them ?
1 million Crustaceans 75% Chitin , external Jointed Head thorax abdomen They combine for specific functions Wide angle vision
How do Arthropods do gas exchange?, how do they eat?, how do they reproduce?, what can females do with spermicide, what complex behaviors do they have?
Filter feeders, carnivores scavengers
Store it until a later time
Mating rituals
Crustaceans are what type of animal?, what do they have two of?, head and thorax are fused together which is called?, large array of appendages for what?, examples?
Arthropods Attenae Cephalothorax Specialized for different functions Copepoda, barnacles, amphipods, Isopoda, crab, shrimp, lobster
Horseshoe crabs are what? How many pairs of legs and in males what are they used for?, are females bigger than males?, where do they lay eggs?, where do they find food?
Arthropods 5 and reproduction Bigger On beaches Near shore
Echinodermata have … Skin?, do they have an endoskeleton, water vascular system with what type of feet for movement?, symmetry in adults and symmetry in larvae?, nervous system is ?, can they regenerate ?, exclusively?
Spiny Yes Tube Radial, bilateral Decentralized , no brain , any portion of the body leads Yes Marine
Sea stars are what phyla ?, how do they move?, they have a central? And how many multiples of feet?, internal organs extend through….?, what type of plates are loosely embedded?, carnivore types are?
Echinoderms Tube feet Disc 5 Entire body Calcium carbonate Shellfish and coral
Brittle stars are types of?, internal organs restricted to?, tube feet don’t have? And used to feed on?
Central disc
Detritus and small animals
Sea urchins, sea biscuits, sand dollars are types of what?, what are their spines like?, rigid plates fuse into ?, where is their mouth?, where is their anus?, they have a … Mouth for grazing, what do they feed on?
Echinoderms Elongated and movable Test Bottom Top Biting mouth Detritus and and encrusting organisms
Crinoids are what phyla and what are they represented by?, sea lilies are? While feather stars are?, what do they use to catch food ?
Echinoderms Sea lilies and feather stars Sessile Mobile Mucous net
Sea cucumbers are what phyla ? , …rows of..feet all on one side, plates are loosely embedded in?, how do they eat?, will their internal organs grow back after evisceration and why?
Echinoderms 5,2 Thick skin Deposit feeders Yes because they regenerate
Chordata consists of what two groups and what else?, lancelets are the only one that shows what?
Lancelot and tunicates plus amphibians , reptiles, reptiles, birds and mammals
Posses all features as adult
What is a nerve chord in Chordata, what is the support nerve cord?, they have a muscular?, post anal?, ventral? Do they above gill slits?
Notochord Tubular Pharynx Tail Heart Yes
Tunicates are what phyla ?, what are they commonly called?, why are they called that?, the larvae has chord at characteristics that are not?, adults normally live? What kind of reproduction
Echinodermata Sea squirts Because they are filter feeders and take in incurrent of siphon then squirt out excurrent of siphon Seen in adults only pharynx On hard substrate like boats dock etc. Mass
Lancelets are what phyla?, body shows segmented ?, noto chord is attached to what?, gills are used for… Instead of respiration, posses all chordate features as an?
Echinoderms Muscle tissue Muscle Filter feed Adult