Chapter 6 Flashcards
Algae are not plants because
They do not have same advanced structures like root, stem, and leaves
Why do the structures of the thallus lack that plants have
Advanced conducting tissues
Gas filled bladders used to keep blades near water surface for light for photosynthesis
Green algae phylum…. Mostly because only % are marine
Chlorphyta freshwater, 10%
Brown Algae phylum, largest of the …..
Phaeophyta , marine
Red algae phylum, has the most…., most are …
Rhodophyta , species, filamentous
Brown algae is masked by
Red algae is masked by
Like plants, algae exhibit a life history marked by
Alteration of generations like butterfly
Gametophyte stage
Produces gametes that fuse to become zygote
Zygote develops into second stage called
Sporophyte hat produces spores
Spores develop into
Gametophyte stage
Algae can reproduce asexually by
Vegetative growth
Algin is an extract of….. Used as an
Brown algae , emulsifier in dairy products
Carrageenan is harvested from
Red algae, used as a thickening agent
Agar is an extract from
Red algae, culture microbes in health industry , thickener, filler and protect canned foods
How many species of green algae and how many marine, thought to be ancestor of….
What size is green algae and what is it sometimes made of, store excess energy as…., what is in cell wall
Micro-macro, coralline (calcium carbonate halimeda), starch, cellulose
How many species of brown algae and how many marine, sizes, what water do they prefer , examples
1500, most marine, some microscopic to 300+ feet , shallow cold, kelp sargassum fucus
Giant kelp can be …of feet in length , the kelp… Provides habitat for species ,
100’s , forest
Kelp forests are among he most……marine habitats
Where is sargassum found
Atlantic between North America and Europe as well as the Gulf of Mexico
What are massive floating mats of sargassum called
Sargasso Sea
Red algae how many species how many marine, what water do they like?, some are….,
4000 mostly marine, deep cold or shallow warm depending on species, corraline (corralina)
What are true plants, how many species
Angiosperms , over 250,000
Are most angiosperms marines and if they are they must what
No; have mechanisms for dealing with salinity
Sea grasses about … Species exits in temperate and tropical; flowers are; how is pollen and seeds carried ?
60 , small and inconspicuous , water currents or in feces
Sea grasses have.. Growth and provide… To many organisms
Rapid , food
Sea grasses provide habitat through, what is the most widely distributed
Sea grass beds, eelgrass in shallow water bays and estuaries
About species of mangroves exist only in tropical and subtropical areas , they cannot withstand… Temperatures
80, freezing
They can only tolerate partial…. , they are a thick network of …. That are exposed at … Tide
Salt water submergence , prop roots, low
Seeds of mangroves germinate while……. And develop into elongated seedlings up to ….. Before falling from parent tree
Still attached to parent, 1 foot,
Mangrove forests are called and can be thought of as tropical equivalent to….
Mangals, salt marshes
Mangroves lie between
25n and 25s
Where are mangroves rooted near
Intertidal zone
Mangrove community can be divided into habitats such as
Above water forest habitat, interiors all swamp habitat, submerged sub tidal habitat
4 of up to …-…. Species worldwide along with… Species of flowering terrestrial
50-100, 60
Zonation of species corresponds to , they have physiological adaption to ?
Sea level, extrude or exclude salt
Four species can occur in…
Mixed stands
Or they can occur in differentiated zones based on
Tidal influence
Level of salinity
Type of substrate
Typically occur in dense stands with little or no….
Root system of mangrove consists of , what two things does this allow them
Aerial roots and prop roots that intertwine over muddy substrate
Increased stability to wave action
Obtain oxygen from air as opposed to substrate
Many species are …. When it comes to birth
Roots for red, black and white
Prop and drop, peg roots, snorkel roots (pneumatophores)
Ecology of shoreline
Stabilize soil, coastline protection, water quality, food web, refuge
Generic term for seaweed
Macro algae
Spartina marsh plants are
Plants bordering shallow bays and tidal creeks
Cordgrass, spartina is the predominant ?
Salt marsh plant in grass family
When is spartina exposed to saltwater
High tide
Spartina is extremely important as a habitat to?
Young marine animals such as invertebrate and fish
Very little spartina is directly consumed by?….. What is it importance
Herbivores, primary produce that when plants die back in winter no bacteria and fungus break down leaves to detritus
Spartina posses salt glands to help deal with
Excess salt
Other halophytes ??? Exist in areas of
Salt tolerant plants, elevation than spartina
Red mangroves dominate the, reach heights of, what color wood, leaves, propagates are how long
Middle and lower portion of the intertidal zone, 25 cm., dark red, shiny, waxy, deep green above and pale underneath, 30 cm
What kind of roots do red mangroves have
Prop roots
Black mangroves predominate, reach heights of, what color bark, propagates
Upper intertidal into irregularly flooded higher elevation “high swamp”, 20m, dark brown, leaves, narrow shiny green above and gray below encrusted with salt, Lima bean shape 2.5 cm
Roots of black mangrove
Cable roots that radiate out of trunk and send up pneumatophores “snorkel roots”
White mangroves predominate, height, bark, leaves, propagules
Irregularly flooded higher elevation also found in intertidal zone, 15m, gray brown, round oval and nectaries salt glands at apex , small and pear shaped 1cm
White mangrove roots
Lack prop and pneumatophores , peg roots
Buttonwood height, leaves , what forms seeds
18 m , erectus: green with little or no hairs sericus: silver with darker underside felt like, fruit not propagules