Chapter 7 Flashcards
Water supply
The first factor that influences the movement of water is
The source
There are four possible sources of water at the fire ground. What are they?
Hydrant and water systems
Static water sources
Apparatus water tank
Mobile water supply apparatus p. 213
There are three types of hydrants what are they?
Dry barrel
Wet barrel
Dry hydrant
a “” hydrant or frostproof hydrant is installed by the municipality when temperatures can drop below freezing, the main stem is located below the frost line and can be several free below. The hydrant once the top is open the entire barrel is charged with water.
Dry barrel hydrant
Always stand ‘’ when charging hydrant
a ‘’ hydrant can be used when temperatures do not drop below freezing. The barrel is always charged
Wet barrel hydrant
a ‘’ hydrant is a large pipe with one and submerge into a static water source for the intake, the other, and rises above ground level where they discharge connection to which the hard section hose is attached. It’s like a giant straw.
Dry hydrant p. 214
Areas with ‘’ are especially vulnerable to low pressure water supplies
Dead end mains, and small mains
Most housefires are extinguished with ‘’
500 gallons some with less than 100
’’ pressure is the pressure of the hydrant water at rest, that is with the hydrant open to the pump and no water flowing through the pump
Static pressure
’’ pressure is the pressure in the hydrant with water flowing from the hydrant through the pump
Residual pressure p. 216
Any hose connected from the hydrant into the pump is technically considered a ‘’ although the term is rarely used anymore
Suction hose
Any hose leaving the pump under pressure through a discharge port is technically called ‘’
Getting a supplies understood to me connecting to a
Water source
At the beginning of the operation, the pump operator reads the compound gauge with the hydrant open and all discharge gates closed this is ‘’’’ with one attack line charge to the proper discharge pressure. The compound gauge is read again this is.
Static pressure
Residual pressure
The difference between static and residual pressure is what
Gives the true measurement
Locations of static water sources are
Reservoir p. 217
pre - connects enable water to be delivered to a fire immediately which is called
Fast water
Two main types of mobile water supply apparatus is available are called
Tanker and tender ( tender is the correct term according to IMSICS) P. 218
Depending on tank size mobile water supply apparatuses generally carry ‘’’
1000 to 3500 gallons of water
Some departments operate, tractor drawn, tanks, capable of caring
4000 or more gallons
A mobile water supply operators may or may not be equipped with ‘’’ most of them are many equipped with a permanent’’’ ‘’ per and larger ones of ‘’
Fire pump,
750 gallons per minute
1500 gallons per minute
Vehicles carrying 1000 gallons of water and more with a fire pump our generally referred to as
Vehicles carrying 1000 gallons of water or more without a fire pump or using a small PTO driven pump are called
Large modern dump valves allow lots of water to be offloaded with minimal time loss thus, enabling the truck to return quickly to reload. Additional methods might be desired to improve the offloading rate of gravity dumps these methods include.
Jet assistance
pneumatic pump
Basically a ‘’ is a pressure water stream used to increase the velocity of a large volume of water that is flowing by gravity through a given size dump valve
jet p. 219
a ‘’ system can be used to pressurize a tank and assist and expelling the water to make the overall tendered shuttle operation. More effective. A pumper or pump errors should be located at a water source to fill the water supply apparatus.
Pneumatic pump
What corridor is basically a circular driveway the goal is to allow the tender to bring in and dump its water without the necessity of backing up the apparatus or performing a three-point turn
water shuttle, apparatus corridor p. 220
What makes water tenders pot potentially dangerous to drive is the fact that they are’’ and should be driven by ‘’
Experienced driver
Sometimes portable tanks are referred to as
Portable ponds or port a pond
The second factor that influences the movement of water is
The engine
The term engine and pumper apply to the same apparatus without ‘’ ..
‘’ is a piece of fire apparatus with the permanent mounted fire pump of at least 750 gallons per minute capacity a water tank and a hose body whose primary purpose is to combat structural and associated fires.
Engine or pumper
The pumping system provided must be capable of delivering the following:
100% of rated capacity at 150 psi
70% capacity at 200 psi
50% of rated capacity at 250 psi
Most fire engines and major city fire departments are rated at ‘’’ x 2 making them a class A pumper
1250/1500 gpm at 150 psi
All pumpers are rated to ‘’’ thus a 1500 gallon per min pumper can draft and discharge 1500 gallons of water permitted from a static water source
Draft p. 222
The main pump intake must have a ‘’’ thread if the apparatus is to be used in the United States
Male national hose( NH) to accommodate hard suction hoses
Suction intakes are usually located on
The sides, front or rear of the pumper
General length of soft section is
20 to 50 feet