Chapter 14 Flashcards
Fire protection systems
Standpipe systems are usually installed in larger structures of ‘’’ or more including high-rise apartments, office buildings and warehouses to provide a water source and upper elevations or extended distances
Four stories or more
A standpipe replaces hose and therefore reduces
Hose friction loss and eliminates the need for Long stretches Hose line from the street to the fire
Standpipes are most often found inside ‘’’ modern buildings, but in older buildings ??
Interior stairways of modern buildings,
Many class one standpipes are found on the outside of the buildings usually alongside the exterior fire escape
What are designed to suppress rapidly reduce fire growth rate or control stop Fire growth rate from increasing fires
Automatic sprinklers p. 443
Automatic fire sprinklers use ‘’’ *( a specific area with a calculated flow to reach the designed intent of suppression or control)
Design density
What system is a piping arrangement that carries water vertically from Floor to floor and sometimes horizontally for two or more hose connections through a building for firefighter operations
Standpipe system
Horizontal standpipes are found where
` inside large one story, shopping, malls, and long water front piers
The fire service urges that large structures be required by law to contain’’’ to eliminate the loss of time between arrival of firefighters at the fire ground and initiation of the fire attack
Standpipe systems
The laws were passed in major cities in required standpipes in all buildings more than ‘’’ ft
75 feet, ( at the time the highest aerial ladder was 75 feet
NFPA ‘’ / ‘’’ standard for installing sprinkler systems and standard for installation of standpipes and hose systems are generally referenced by local state and model building codes and insurance standards when designing a system
13 / 14 - standpipe
How many classes of standpipe systems according to their intended use?
The classes of standpipe systems could be designed for
Fire department
Fire brigade
First aid firefighting
What class of systems are vertically dry pipe risers with 2 1/2 inch hosed discharge connections as designed locations usually on every floor or stairway landing inside the building for full scale firefighting. the systems are intended for used by fire departments rather than fire guards and building occupants.
Class one
Class one systems is required to have a minimum flow of
500 gallons per min
What class of system provide one and a half inch hose connections at designated locations in the building for first aid firefighters. the systems are generally intended for used by fire brigades ( building occupants FF) to attack and incipient fire before the fire department arrives and therefore have a lower water pressure and flows. usually 100 feet long stored in a wall mounted hose cabinet often a fire extinguishers include
Class two
What class of system provides a combination of class one and classroom systems they can have an inch and a half hose valve and a 2 1/2 inch hose valve so they can be used for a full scare fire department and first aid firefighting class one class two hose connections are provided with the system
Class three p. 444
Class three standpipes have a minimum required flow rate of’’ in a maximum flow rate of’’ four buildings that are sprinkled throughout in accordance with NFPA 13 and ‘’’ for buildings that are not sprinkler throughout in accordance with NFPA 13
500 to 1000 gallons per minute
1250 gallons per minute - not sprinklered
How many types of stamp Pipe systems are there?
What type of standpipe system have piping that is normally filled with pressurized air the systems are arranged through a use of a device such as a dry pipe valve to emit water automatically into systems piping when a hose valve is opened, connected to automatic water supply of the water demand necessary
Automatic dry system
What type of standpipe system have piping that is filled with water at all times
Automatic, wet system
What type of standpipe system supply, both hose connections, and automatic sprinklers
What type of standpipe system have piping that is normally filled with non-pressurized air system do not have a pre-water supply department connection usually a 2 1/2 inch connection must be used to supply maintain water for the firefighter
Manual dry standpipe
What type of standpipe system have piping that is normally filled with air that may or may not be pressurized the systems are arranged through the use of devices such as a deluge valve to admit water into the system, piping remote activation device located at a host station, such as a police station is operated. They have reconnected water supply cable of supplying the water demand necessary.
Semi automatic, dry standpipe. 445
What type of standpipe system is a piping system that has water in it at all times
wet standpipe
What’s system is simply a vertical or horizontal pipe or riser running through or along outside of the building? Maybe found in a tall or wide area structure and can be located inside or outside the building… unheated buildings are subject to freezing temperatures
Dry system
Interior dry system usually has at least ‘’’ discharge valve outlets on each floor inside the building. The fire department intake is located outside the building.
Exterior dry system usually runs adjacent to the
Outside fire escape on the side of the building or at the c side , rear in an alley. there is one discharge hose outlet with each landing with a Siamese inlet appliance placed at the bottom of the pipe a few feet above the ground. Set ups like this are usually results of newer laws in the building
A building that is spread over a wide area may be equipped with ‘’ or more ‘’’ . Each protecting a portion of the building. These systems might be completely ‘’ with each riser being supported only by its own ‘’’ intake
Two or more standpipes
FDC intake.
What NFPA requires such intakes to be placard or labeled, indicating what Portions of the building our supplied to prevent errors or confuses by connecting to the wrong system
One problem encountered with multi riser dry systems is ‘’’ ? This is one reason why
The time it takes to drive the air out of the system
2 1/2 inch and one and a half inch gated wye should be included in dry standby pose lays. By the hose is being connected to one discharge port of the wye the other hoes can bleed the air
Bleeding the air through an open gate wye is much
Quicker than bleeding it through the nozzle at the end of a hose line p. 446
What systems is the water under enough pressure to allow fire fight without support from fire department pumpers? This can be ‘’ of the water mains or pressure provided from fire pumps
wet system?
Street pressure
NFPA ‘’ requires that water supply for Class 1/ 3 systems be able to deliver a residual pressure of ‘’’ at the outlet of the topmost hose connection on each standpipe. This pressure must be available while flowing. ‘’’’ from each of the two topmost hose connections of the hydraulic LEE, most remote standpipe.
Hundred pounds per square inch
250 gallons per minute
NFPA ‘’ requires that water supply for Class 2 systems be capable of delivering ‘’’ GPM FOR ‘’ MINS it also must be strong enough to maintain a residual pressure of ‘’ PSI at the outlet for the hydraulically most remote hose connection with 100 gallon per minute flow.
100 gallons per minute for 30 minutes
65. Psi
NFPA 14 was modified in 1993 to increase the minimum outlet pressure for Class 1/3 outlets from ‘’’
65 psi to 100 psi because of questions raised regarding the adequacy of 65 psi minimum P. 447
Automatic and semi automatic standPipe systems require a minimum of one pre-connected water supply they can supply the standpipes hydraulic demand for a minimum required. Duration will likely only supply. ‘’’ handlines.
For high-rise buildings to remotely located ‘’ are required for each zone within the pumping range of fire apparatus in addition to the automatic water supply.. ‘’’’’ reduce the possibility of all standpipe and sprinkER supply hose being cut by falling glass and those interrupting the secondary water supply during a fire
2 - FDC’S
Source of water most often include
Public water WorK systems
Pressure tanks
Fire pump connected to a reliable fixed water source such as a reservoir
Gravity fed tanks
Went two or more sources feed a wet stand pipe system the source providing the highest pressure is
The one that provides the water if the supply and use fails, the remaining source with the most pressure kicks in and supplies the system
What valve arrangement keeps possible contaminated water from entering the portable water system
Double check valve p. 448
If the public water Work main system supplies, enough pressure to satisfy code requirements then’’
No other source will be needed.
Similar occupants
what stand pipe system supplied by public Watermain has become the most common arrangement in medium.- hi rise, apartments office buildings
A wet standpipe system