Chapter 6 vocab/reading Flashcards
mood disorders
a group of disorders involving severe and enduring disturbances in emotionality ranging from elation to severe depression
major depressive disorder, single or recurrent episode
mood disorder involving one major depressive episode
mood disorder involving multiple (separated by at least 2 months without depression) major depressive episodes.
period of abnormally excessive elation or euphoria associated with some mood disorders
hypomanic episode
less severe and less disruptive version of a manic episode that is one of the criteria for several mood disorders
mixed features
term for experiencing depressive symptoms during a manic or hypomanic episode, or experiencing manic symptoms during a depressive episode
term used to characterize repeated mood episodes divided by periods of full or partial remission
persistent depressive disorder (PDD)
mood disorder characterized by two years or more of depressed or dysthymic mood which may vary in severity
double depression
severe mood disorder typified by major depressive episodes superimposed over a background of dysthymic disorder (now part of persistent depressive disorder)
integrated grief
a stage of grieving at which the finality of death and the meaning of the loss are acknowledged and appreciated
complicated grief
a reaction to loss characterized by persistent intense grief and persistent distracting or impairing concerns about the consequences or circumstances of the loss
premenstrual dysphoric disorder
a mood disorder in women characterized by marked depressive, anxious, or irritable symptoms, regularly occurring around the time of menstruation
disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
in children, a mental disorder characterized by recurrent temper outbursts occurring against a background of irritable mood.
bipolar I disorder
alternation of major depressive episodes with full manic episodes
bipolar II disorder
alternation of major depressive episodes with hypomanic episodes (not full manic episodes)
cyclothymic disorder
chronic (at least 2 years) mood disorder characterized by alternating mood elevation and depression levels that are not as severe as manic or major depressive episodes
hormones that affect the brain and are increasingly the focus of study in psychopathology
learned helplessness theory of depression
Martin Seligman’s theory that people become anxious and depressed when they make an attribution that they have no control over the stress in their lives (whether or not they actually have control)
depressive cognitive triad
thinking errors by depressed people negatively focused in three areas: themselves, their immediate world, and their future
mood-stabalizing drug
a medication used in the treatment of mood disorders, particularly bipolar disorder, that is effective in preventing and treating pathological shifts in mood
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
biological treatment for severe, chronic depression involving the application of electrical impulses through the brain to produce seizures. The reasons for its effectiveness are unknown
Cognitive therapy
treatment approach that involves identifying and altering negative thinking styles related to psychological disorders such as depression and anxiety and replacing them with more positive beliefs and attitudes, and ultimately, more adaptive behavior and coping styles
interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT)
brief treatment approach that emphasizes resolution of interpersonal problems and stressors, such as role disputes in marital conflict, forming relationships in marriage, or a new job. It has demonstrated effectiveness for such problems as depression
maintenance treatment
combination of continued psychosocial treatment, medication, or both designed to prevent relapse following therapy
suicidal attempts
effort made to kill oneself
suicidal ideation
serious thoughts about committing suicide
suicide plans
the formulation of a specific method of killing oneself
psychological autopsy
postmortem psychological profile of a suicide victim constructed from interviews with people who knew the person before death