Chapter 6 - Theories of Cognitive Development Flashcards
Piaget’s theory is an influential theory because:
it is learning that the acquisition of knowledge is interacting with the world
Children come into the world with a general _____________ that prepares them to acquire information
species-specific nervous system
We are born with an ____________ to take in information
innate capacity
Learning is a:
cognitive activity that takes place as children use these innate tools to investigate and interpret the world
The process of learning allows:
information to enter the mind and to form a cognitive structure of thought and understanding that accurately reflects where we are in the cognitive spectrum.
What is a scheme or schema?
The basic action of knowing, including physical and mental actions.
Schemas are _______
Schemes build on a small:
repository of simple sensory or motor information
What is organization?
As people act on their environments, an inborn mental process causes them to derive generalizable schemes from specific experiences
children are naturally _______ and create theories about how the world works. This is why Piaget sees children as little scientists
Schemes are:
continuously changing
Explain assimilation
exposed to a new stimulation you haven’t seen before. The scheme was changed as you gained new information. Adapt the scheme.
What is accommodation?
Creating a new scheme for a new stimulation
What was Piaget’s most central assumption?
The child is an active participant in the development of knowledge, constructing their own understanding
Assimilation and accommodation are usually in:
balance or equilibrium
What is the process Piaget called equilibration?
When the balance is upset between assimilation and accommodation, children reorganize their theories to restore equilibrium
Equilibration results in:
qualitatively different and more advanced schemas
What are the 4 stages of cognitive development?
Maturation, Physical environment, social transmission, equilibration