Chapter 6- Section 1&2 Quiz Flashcards
First Estate
Top 1% of society made of the Roman Catholic clergy.
Old Order
The “old school” way of governing with the King on top and the three Estates under him. King Louis XVI called a meeting of the Estates General to get approval for new taxes on the Third Estate.
Second Estate
Top 2% of society made up of the nobility.
Third Estate
Bottom 97% (mostly peasants) with the top made up of city merchants, factory owners, and professionals called the Bourgeoisie.
Sans Culottes
The workers of the Third Estate that wore full length pants instead of the traditional knee breeches made popular by the upper estates.
Causes of the French Revolution
Inequities in society The Enlightenment Louis XVI had poor leadership Financial crisis Messed up weather
National Assembly
A legislative group established by the Third Estate. It approved the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen which laid out many new liberties such as freedom of speech, the press, and religion, just not for women.
July 14, 1789- A symbolic event of the Revolution as Parisians captured the old prison for gun powder to arm themselves against the king’s troops. The period that followed this event was known as the Great Fear.
Legislative Assembly
Declared war on Austria after they had issued a declaration warning against harming the French monarchs.
Revolutionary radicals who wanted to replace the king with a republic.
Revolutionary moderates who wanted a limited constitutional monarchy.
Jean-Paul Marat
A passionate revolutionary who expressed radical views through his newspaper. Marat supported violence to protect the Revolution.
George-Jacque Danton
A powerful revolutionary leader that came to oppose the extreme violence of the Terror.
National Convention
A later French government whose first act was to declare France a republic. Led by the radical leader Robespierre. The National Convention got rid of the monarchy.
Europeans outside of France reacted to the execution of Louis XVI with horror.
A device used in executions. Fitting with the ideals of the French Revolution: painless and everyone equal in life is also equal in death.
Revolutionary Tribunal
Created to uncover and eliminate enemies from within that would threaten the Revolution. Many victims were peasants from outside of Paris because they opposed the Revolution’s anti-religious policies and the draft.
Reign of Terror
A period in which the Revolution went insane. Over 10,000 people were executed over a span of ten months. No one was off limits as thousands of victims were women. Europeans outside of France reacted to the violence with horror and resulted in increased foreign opposition to the Revolution.