Chapter 12- Extra Honors Questions Flashcards
Leon Trotsky
This top Bolshevik official accepted harsh terms in his negotiation for peace with the Central Powers.
It leaves one in the fog to think that this new weapon developed during WWI was actually fairly ineffective.
The deliberate destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group.
Allied treaties with the defeated Central Powers accomplished the breaking up of the Ottoman and this empire.
Many colonial people volunteered to fight for the Allied forces during WWI because they hoped their service would win them independence.
Red Guards
The Bolsheviks took over the Russian government after this military unit attacked the provisional government.
Many people from these places fought for the Allies in hopes of gaining their independence.
Upon entering into WWI, Russia was already in trouble with a worsening economy and an ineffective ruler.
The Second Battle of the Marne
This battle signifies a turning point in WWI in favor of the Allies.
This country opposed the formation of a “greater Serbia” because any Serbian expansion might encourage these groups to rebel.
Germany’s plan to return this man to Russia in April 1917 achieved its goal of weakening the Russian war effort.
Aleksandr Kerensky
After the fall of the czar, the Russian legislature chose this man to lead a provisional government in Russia.
Britain pioneered the use of these in WWI to cross rough battlefield terrain.
Allied Powers/Allies
During WWI, Serbia, Russia, France, and Great Britain were known as this.
The entrance of this country into WWI added hundreds of thousands of troops to the Allied Cause.
This country declared war on Germany in 1914 as part of a military agreement with Great Britain.