Chapter 1- Section 3&4 Quiz Flashcards
In the early 1500’s the Church taught that the pope could reduce a soul’s time in purgatory through the purchase of an indulgence.
Catholic Church during the 1500’s
Financial corruption, abuse of power and immorality weakened people’s respect for priests, monks, and even popes.
As a result of the Renaissance and Reformation, nationalism, or a devotion to a particular state or nation, was strengthened throughout Europe.
Martin Luther
A German Monk who wrote 95 theses in which he denied the power of indulgences to remit sin and criticized the power of the pope and the wealth of the Church.
Martin Luther wrote…
His theses in Latin because it was intended not for the common people, but for Church leaders.
Martin Luther’s stand…
Against the sale of indulgences led to the Protestant Reformation.
Edict of Worms
A decree out of a Catholic conference which officially made Martin Luther an outlaw and condemned his writings.
Ulrich Zwingli
Founded a Church in Switzerland that had theocracy at its base.
A theocracy is a government in which church and state are joined and whose officials are considered to be divinely inspired.
An example of a theocracy today…
Saudi Arabia
The belief that God knows who will be saved before they are born and guides the lives for those destined for salvation.
(Not something believed by most Protestants)
A protestant group that insisted on baptizing adults, a crime punishable by death during this time.
Henry VIII
An English king who as “Defender of the Faith” protected Catholicism.
Henry VIII did…
As a result of the Catholic Church denying his requests for a divorce, Henry VIII broke away and formed the Anglican Church (Church of England).
Ignatius de Loyola
Founder of the order of the Jesuits.
Concentrated on education as a means of combating the Protestant Reformation.
Council of Trent
A powerful group of Catholic clergymen addressed corruption and argued for the role of the Catholic Church in salvation.
Bonfire of the Vanities
Was an action that was part of early reform within the Catholic Church.
During the Renaissance…
Women in religious orders had increasingly more roles in the Church.
Teresa of Avila
As a nun, she reformed the Carmelite Order.
Through Teresa of Avila’s work…
She inspired many would-be Protestants to remain in the Church.
Index of Forbidden Books
An official list of Protestant literature made illegal to own or talk about by the Catholic Church.
Violators violating the Index of Forbidden Books…
Could be fined, jailed, excommunicated and/or executed.
Those who beliefs differ from the official religious doctrine.
(Regarding heretics) Both…
Catholics and Protestants saw each other as heretics but both agreed that Jews and Muslims were also heretics.
The Protestant minority in France.