Chapter 11- Section 1&2 Quiz Flashcards
British East India Company
At first, British imperialism in India was carried out by the East India Company.
The process of one people ruling or controlling another. After 1800, military advantages such as superior weapons allowed European nations to extend their control over Asia and Africa.
Sepoy Mutiny
Indian soldiers (Sepoys) who fought in the British army were pushed into a rebellion when the army made them use cartridges traced with pork and beef fat. Many atrocities were committed on both sides and ultimately the British government intervened, ending the East India Company and took over the colonization of India.
The Raj
The era of British rule in India, otherwise known as Great Britain’s “Jewel in the Crown”. India’s economy changed when textile factories were shut down to prevent competition with British companies. Also during the Raj, Indian and British people lived in segregated neighborhoods.
Ram Mohun Roy
Reformer of the 1820s who felt that the British were violating the Indian people’s rights.
Indian boycott of British goods from 1905 to 1908.
Indian National Congress
Established as a result of growing Indian nationalism, the congress accomplished a greater representation of Indians in the government.
The Muslim League
Formed in 1906 as a reaction to the creation of the Indian National Congress so as to protect the rights and provide representation for Indian Muslims.
Opium War
China’s war over the practice of British using drugs to trade for goods rather than continue to purchase with silver.
Treaty of Nanjing
After China lost the Opium War, they had to sign the Treaty of Nanjing, first of the unequal treaties China signed with Western powers:
- Benefited European countries at the expense of China
- Extraterritoriality: British criminals tried at home.
Open-Door Policy
Proposed by the United States, this policy would allow free trade in Chinese ports under European control and ensure that the U.S. could continue its trade in China.
Taiping Rebellion
Led by Hong Xiuquan who believed his brother was Jesus and motivated by a lack of faith in the Qing Dynasty. This most serious of all the rebellions was put down eventually with the help of British and French forces. It left over 20,000,000 Chinese dead.
The Boxer Rebellion
In 1899 and 1900, the Harmonious Fists attacked Christian missionaries, seized foreign compounds in Beijing, and held hostages for 55 days.
Compare and Contrast Taiping Rebellion and Boxer Rebellion
Similar bc
- both began because people in china wanted changes and were humiliated and embarrassed that people were committing crimes and not being punished
- Taiping Rebellion was the most serious of all the rebellions and was put down with the help of British and French forces and left over 20 million Chinese dead.
- Boxer Rebellion was not put down with the help of British and French forces and the Harmonious Fists held hostages for 55 days.
Sun Yixian
Chinese radical who based his ideas on nationalism, democracy, and “people’s livelihood”.
Treaty of Kanagawa
Forced by the United States, this event contributed to the rise of nationalism in Japan.
- two Japanese ports were opened to the U.S.
- both ports open to trade and vessels under distress
- established extraterritoriality to Westerners.
Compare and Contrast Treaty of Nanjing and Treaty of Kanagawa
- both treaties resulted In extraterritoriality being established to Westerners
- the treaty of Nanjing was signed by the Chinese after they lost the Opium War and was one of the unequal treaties China signed with western powers
- the treaty of Kanagawa was forced by the United States and contributed to the rise of nationalism in Japan and resulted in two Japanese ports opening to the U.S.
Meiji Restoration
When the samurai overthrew the government and restored the emperor to power. Key reforms during this era, and the emperor’s support, helped Japan quickly become one of the world’s greatest industrial powers.
Sino-Japanese War
Japan’s first campaign as a modernized nation was to take advantage of rebellions in Korea. Japan’s military might clashed with China’s; the result being a tremendous victory for Japan.
Russo-Japanese War of 1904/05
Japan’s victory over Russia was celebrated all over Asia.
The only Southeast Asian country to retain its independence in the 1800s.