Chapter 6 Learning Flashcards
The modification through experience of pre existing behavior and understanding
Allows up to build motor skills to walk
The process of adapting to stimuli that do not change
Eventually lose awareness of your glasses
Sight: Nose Hearing: A/C Hum Smell: your house Touch: clothes Taste: saliva
Classical Conditioning
A procedure in which a neutral stimulus is repeatedly paired with a stimulus that elicits a reflex or response until the neutral stimulus alone comes to elicit a similar response
Ex. Pavlov’s Dog
The quick relearning of a conditioned response following extinction
Sound of a can opener followed by food= salivation. link.
Take away link. Introduce it again later
Discriminative conditioned stimuli
Stimuli that signal whether reinforcement is available if a certain response is made
Joke at office. Not at funeral.
Partial reinforcement effect
A phenomena in which behaviors learned under a partial reinforcement schedule are made more difficult to extinguish that behaviors learned on a continuous reinforcement schedule
Candy machine vs. slot machine
Ivan Pavlov
Salivation. Meat powder. Dogs.
Edward Thorndike
Laws of effect
Learning-> A satisfying effect produces a strong response
BF Skinner
Operant conditioning ->
Skinner box
David Premack
List of behavioral preferences
Mom says son can drive car if they mow lawn
List of behavioral preferences-> Premack’s Principle
Wolfgang Kohler
Learning-> INSIGHT
Albert Bandura
“Bobo” doll
Observational learning came about through secondhand or vicarious experience
Observational learning most powerful sources of the socialization process
Learned helplessness
Learning that responses do not affect consequences, resulting in failure to try to exert control over the environment.
“Shock happens”
Latent learning
Learning that is not demonstrated at the time it occurs
711 closed on Sunday’s
Cognitive map
A mental representation of the environment
Mental map of shopping mall even though we don’t receive a reward