Chapter 6 - Learning Flashcards
New stimulus = anxiety so if nothing bad happens we ignore it. air con kicking on
Sensitive to stimulus due to past experience
Classical conditioning (pavlovian)
associate bell w/ food = saliva. Non optional
Operant conditioning (skinnerian)
Some operation must be performed to get stimulus. optional
Insight learning (kohler)
Kohler=gestalt. Ape puts stick together and gets aha moment. Solved the problem on his own and is therefore insight learning
Taste Aversion
1 trial learning
Things taught in one situation are generalized to be useful in another
Failure to generalize because the situation is different enough. If animals can discriminate then they aren’t color blind
Watson, phobias
Believed were classically conditioned, mother afraid of lighting, likely you are too
Systematic desensitization
Like exposure therapy. Least scary to most
Aversive conditioning
Make bad habits disgusting to you
Operant conditioning. puzzle box. reward = reinforcement of good behavior
Negative reinforcement
Reinforcement is always positive so this is taking away a bad stimulus
Primary reinforcer
food, shelter, water, sex
Secondary reinforcer
something used to get primary reinforcer. Gain value through learning