Chapter 1 - Origins of Psychology Flashcards
Freud; unconscious mind is shaped by early childhood experiences
Watson & Skinner; We can’t measure the unconscious so measure behavior instead. Orphan Albert and rabbit (Watson). Skinner worked on operant conditioning on dogs
Kohler & Wertheimer; The whole (perception) is more than the sum of its parts (sensory elements). Directly contradicts behavioralism
Maslow & Rogers; Humans are motivated to reach their full potential but the negativity of others stops us. SELF ACTUALIZATION
What behaviorists insist you can’t study
Clinical, counseling, community
Human Services
Educational, forensic, sports, Industrial/organizational, health, engineering
Social, personality, cognitive, development
Wundt 1st modern psych lab, wanted to understand conscious awareness through structuralism (breaking down experiences). Observation through introspection
Sir Francis Galton
Anthropometric lab, measure differences between humans and correlate them evolutionarily
William James
(Principles of Psychology). o More of a philosopher, his book gathered ALL info on psychology. Functionalism- understand mental processes that helped us adapt to our environments
Ivan Pavlov
Physiologist, digestive process in dogs. Classical conditioning, salivate at ring of bell.
John Watson
Behavioralism- What is the function of conscious (awareness)
Correlation does…..
not imply causation