Chapter 10 - Intelligence Flashcards
Francis Galton
Measured fitness in intelligence through families and his anthropometric lab
Alfred binet
Binet Simon scale determined mental age
Lewis Terman
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, improved on Binet Simon. Added IQ=MA/CA x 100. Doesn’t work for adults 4/2 /=/ 12/10
Army Alpha
Group tests for soldiers; Scores very low due to not caring about the test and illiteracy; Average person can’t be below average…
Army Beta
Non verbal test; listen to instructions to do it
David Wecheler
Wecheler scale = 1st test for adults; normal distribution. Led to WPPSI,WISC, and WAIS
4-6; Weschler Preschool and primary scale of intelligence
6-16; Weschler Intelligence scale for children
16 and up; Weschler Adult intelligence scale
To check test reliability(=consistency)…
Test retest on same people; split half = internal consistency one half of test with other
Content Validity
Judgement of the content; a bad question on the test shouldn’t be there
Criterion Validity
Comparison of test score to actual performance. Does it accurately tell you about the persons actual performance? Math SAT correlate with Math gpa?
Construct Validity
Ability of a test to actually measure the psychological concept being studied
Charles Spearman’s 2 factor theory
g=general intelligence (IQ’esque)
s= specific mental abilities in addition to g
Thurstone’s 7 primary mental abilities
Look at just “s” not “g”; Verbal comprehension, word fluency, number ability, spatial ability, associative memory, perceptual speed, and general reasoning ability