Chapter 14 - Abnormal Psychology Flashcards
Sociological Approach
Must consider cultural differences
Psychoanalytic Approach
Something in early childhood
Behavioral Approach
Abnormal issues cause by learning, can be fixed with therapy
Cognitive approach
Problem stands from faulty thinking
Interactionist Approach
Looking at multiple factors; most psychologists; interaction between nature and nurture
Neurotic and psychotic; not a disorder unless it causes dysfunction
Five axis system, diagnosis by 5 factors
Axis 1
Clinical disorders (more severe)
Axis 2
Personality Disorders and mental retardation
Axis 3
general medical health issue
Axis 4
Psychosocial and environmental problems
Axis 5
Global assessment of functioning. scored on 100, 100 = fully functional throughout year
o Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th Edition by American Psychiatric Association
Anxiety disorders (axis 1)
Axis 1 disorders;
1) generalized anxiety disorder
2) Panic disorder (fear of panic attack)
3) Phobic disorder
4) OCD
5) PTSD (talk about it, genetically influenced)
Somatoform Disorders (axis 1)
Not psychosomatic, all in your head. Hypochondriac, Conversion disorders (hysteria) = glove anestesia, wandering uterus, hysterical deafness/blindness