chapter 6- Entrepreneurship and small business ownership Flashcards
define small buisness
- independent firm
- fewer than 500 employees
- not dominant in the market
economic roles of small buisnesses
- provide jobs
- introduce new products +fulfill unmet market needs
- meet needs of larger organizations
- more risk takers than large businesses
- provide economic opportunities for many people
characteristics of small buisnesses
- sometimes called lifestyle businesses as they are built around the personal and financial needs of an individual/family.
- narrow focus
- offer few goods and services
- start with limited resources
- more freedom to innovate
define entrepreneurial spirit
- positive ,forward thinking desire to create profitable and sustainable buisness enterprises.
why do people start their own buisness
- can´t find a corporate job
- more control over their future
- tired of working for someone else
qualities shared by succesful entrepreneurs
- confidence–> control their destriny
- passion–> love what they do
- drive–> not discouraged by failure
state the buisness start-up options
- create a new independent buisness: the most difficult option
- buy an existing independent buisness: less work and less risk, inherit the buisness problems
- buy into a franchise system: independent buisness ownerhip and support of being in a larger organization.
define buisness plan
- document that summarizes a proposed buisness venture, goals and plans for achieving those goals.
what to include in a buisness plan
- summary: buisness concept summary+ buisness model summary
- mission and objectives: purpose of buisness
- company review
- describe products and services
- management and key personaell
- target market
- marketing startegy
- design and development plans
- operations plan
10.start up schedule - risk factors
- financial projections
- exit strategy
state some lean buisnesses planning
- buisness model canvas
- lean canvas
define pivoting
- adjusting a firms buisness model when a better opportunity comes along
why do new buisnesses fail
strategic issues:
1. little or no demand
2. lack of strategic planning
3. failure to pivot
4. overpowering competition
leadership issues:
1. managerial incompetence
2. lack of experience
3. low motivation
marketing & sales issue
1. ineffective marketing
2. poor location
3. customer neglect
financial issues:
1.poor funding
2. poor cash management
who gives advice and supports to buisness owners
- government agencies and not-for-profit organizations. (eg SCORE, service corps of retired executives)
- buisness partners such as branks, credit card companies
- mentors
- advisory board–> team of people with subject area expertise that can help buisness owners
- networks and support groups
- buisness incubators and accelerators
define buisness incubators
- help early stage entrepreunial teams develop ideas into buisness models
define buisness accelerators
- work with existing companies to make them more attractive to investors
define seed money
- first infusion of capital used to get the buisness started
types of private funding
- microlenders: not-for profit organizations that lend small amounts of money to buisness owners that don´t qualify for bank loans.
- venture capitalists: investors that provide money to new businesses in exchange of a piece of ownership.
- angel investors: private individuals investing in start-ups, (earlier in buisness life cycle) smaller amounts than VCs.
- corporate sponsors
- credit cards an personal lines of credit
- small buisness administration assistance: financing programs
types of public financing
- initial public offering (IPO): corporations first offering of shares to public
- crowdfunding: soliciting project funds, buisness investments or loans from members of the public.
define a franchise
- grants the buyer the rights to use various components of an established business.
define franchisee
- buisness owner who pays for rights to sell the products ans ise business system of franchisor
company that licenses elements of its buisness system to other companies
types of franchises
- buisness-format franchise: franchisee grains right to to use entire buisness system
- product-distribution franchise: franchisee the right to sell products as part of franchisors distribution system
types of costs in franchising
- initial franchising–>
–> franchise fee: one-time payment - costs associated with buying, building and equipping a facility
- ongoing-franchising costs
–> royalty fees: paid at regular intervals
advantages and disadvantages of franchising
- be your own boss
- hire own employees
- benefir from your hard work
- little control over decisions franchisor makes that affects entire system
- if franchise system fails–> no option of changing buisness in response
define machine learning
- general capability of computers to learn and adapt without receiving human instructions
define deep learning
- machine learning that uses layers of neural networks to attack problems
- mirrors the brains neural connections