Chapter #6: Attention & Memory Flashcards
Information Processing Model
a computer metaphor to explaoin how people process stimuli
What 3 assumptions is the Information Processing Model based on?
- People are active participants in the process
- Quantitative and qualitative aspects of performance
- Processed through a series of processes
Sensory Memory
brief and an almost identical representation of the stimuli that exists in your mind in the abscence of the stimuli itself
Speed of Processing
how quickly and efficiently the early steps in information processing are completed
Processing Resources
the amount of attention one has to apply to a particular situation
Inhibitory Los
older adults have difficulty inhibiting the processes of irrelevant information
Attentional Resources
issues through lens of attention
Divided Attention
concerns how well people perform multiple tasks simultaneously
* Age differences appear when tasks become complex
* Can be minimalized with training/practice
* older adults focus on the task more important to them
Automatic Processing
Memory processing that requires minimal demands of attention, and can be encoded without consciously being aware of it
Effortful Processing
requires all of the available attention, deliberate effort, and rehearsal
the process of gathering information into the memory system
involves the manner in which information is represented and kept on/in memory
pulling information back out of memory
Short Term/Working Memory
the active proccesses and structures involved in holding information in the mind and simultaneously using that information
* short capacity
the process by that information is held in working memory, either by repeating items over and over by making meaningful connections
* decrease in spatial memory than visual
Implicit Memory
a.ka. Procedural Memory
involves retrievl of information without conscious or intentional recollection