Chapter #2: Neuroscience As a Basis for Adult Development & Aging Flashcards
the study of the brain; specifically the plasticity of aging
a set of techniques in which pictures of the brain are taken in various ways to provide understanding of both normal and abnormal cognitive aging
Structural Neuroimaging
highly detailed images of anatomical features of the brain
* X-rays, CT scans, and MRI
* shows specific structures at a point in time
Functional Neuroimaging
provides indication of brain activity
* shows what parts of the brain are active when people do specific tasks
What are the advantages to the study of aging with Neurosciene?
- Development of new interventions
- Protects adults from exploitation
- Can test models of cognitive aging
Neuropsychological Approach
compares brain functioning of healthy adults to individual displaying various disorders in the brain
Neuro-Correlational Approach
attempts to relate measures of cognitive performance to measures of brain structure/functioning
* correlation does not equal causation
Activation Imaging Approach
attempts to directly link functional brain activity with cognitive behvioral data
* real time investigation
Compensatory Changes
change that allows older adults to adapt to the inevitable behavioral decline resulting from changes in specific areas of the brain
a brain cell; brain is made up of them
receives signals from other nearby neurons
transmits information from cell body to terminal branches
Terminal Branches
endpoints in a neuron that helps transmit signals across the synapse
chemical messengers that carry information signals between neurons across the synapse
the gap between neurons
the study of the structure of the brain
Cerebral Cortex
the outermost region of the brain
Consists of left and right hemispheres
Corpus Callosum
thick bundles of nerves that connects the hemispheres of the cerebral cortex
Prefrontal & Frontal Cortex
prt of the frontal lobe that is involvd in executive functioning
Executive Functions
the ability to make and carry out plans, switch between tasks, and maintain attention and focus
back of the brain
associated with motor functioning and balance