Chapter #11: Relationship Flashcards
a mutual relationship in which those who are involved, influence one anothers behaviors and beliefs, and define friendshop quality as the satisfaction derived from the relationship
* based on feelings and grounded in recpirocity & choice
descirbes the 5 stages of friendships
1. Advancement
2. Buildup
3. Continutation
4. Deteroriation
5. Ending
3 Broad Themes of Adult Friendships
- Affective/Emotional Basis
- Shared/Communal Nature
- Sociability/Compatability Dimension
Affective/Emotional Basis
self-disclosure, expression of intimacy, appreciation, affection, and support
* based on trust, loyalty, and committment
Shared/Communal Nature
how friends participate in or support activites of mutual interest
Sociability/Compatability Dimension
how friends keep us entertained and are sources of amusement, fun, and recreation
Trust Develops in 4 Sources
- Reputation
- Performance, or what users do online
- Precommittment, through personal self-disculosure
- Situational Factors; premium placed on intimacy and the relationship
Do online social network friendships develop similar to in person ones?
Siblings bonds are generally:
closer and the longest lasting
* Centrality depends on proximity, health, prior relationships, and relatedness
* close in youth, drift as adults, come back together in old age
Do older adults tend to have fewer relationships?
Socioemotional Selectivity
argues that social contract is motivtated by a variety of goals, informational seeking, self-concept, and emotional regulation
* each goal is emotionally salient at different points of the adult life span
* Information seeking = young adult goal
* Emotional regulation = older adult goal
Men’s, Women’s, and Cross-Sex Friendships
4 characterstics of same-sex friendships do not appear to differ in men/women
1. Georgraphic proximity
2. Similarity of interests/values
3. Inclsion
4. Symmetrical Reciporcity
3 Characeristics that distinguish female/male same-sex relationships
1. Communion & Self-Disclosure
2. Greater effort and expectations from friends
3. Greater risk of corumination
Sternberg’s 3 Components of Love
a true love relationship consists of all 3
1. Passion - an intense psychological desire for someone
2. Intimacy - the feeling that you can share all your thoughts/actions with someone
3. Committment - the willingness to stay with a person through good and bad times
an intense physiclly based relationships
* high risk of misunderstanding and jealousy
As the length of a relationship increases
- intimacy + passion decrease
- intimacy + committment increase
Assortative Mating
a theory of people find partners based on their similarity to each other
* occurs more in Western Society that allows choice over their mates
the degree to which people are similar
* shows a likelihood to they “click” in many dimensions
1 in 5 couples in the U.S. meet online
physical attractiveness strongly influence initial selections online
Hookup Culture & Casual Sex
3/4 express regret hooking up
Culture is a powerful force in shaping mate selection occurs
countries that llow mate choosing tend to develop more secure romantic attachments
Abusive Relationship
a relationship that one partner displays aggressive behavior towards the other partner
Battered Women Syndrome
a situation in which a woman believes she canno leave an abusive relationship and where she may even go as far as to kill her abuser
* Risk Factors:
* 1. Female, African American
* 2. Living in atypical family structure
* 3. more romantic partners
What range of aggressive behaviors occurs in abusive relationships?
- Verbal Aggression
- Physical Aggresion
- Severe Aggression
- Murder
What are the characteristics of Verbal Aggression
insults, yelling, name calling, need to control, jealousy, misuse of power
What are the characteristics of Physical Aggression?
pushing, slapping, shoving
accept violence as means of control, modeling of phyiscal aggression, abused as a child, aggressive personality styles
What are characteristics of Severe Aggression?
beating, punching, hitting w/object
Personality disorders, emotional lability, poor self-esteem