Chapter #1: Studying Adulthood Development & Aging Flashcards
the scientific study of aging from maturity through old age
Perspectives of Study
What is the Lifespan Perspective?
divides human development into two phases:
* Early Phase = childhood & adolescence
* Late Phase = young adulthood, middle & old age
Perspectives of Study
What are Paul Balte’s 4 Key features of the Lifespan Perspective?
- Multidirectionality
- Plasticity
- Historical Context
- Multicausation
developement involves both growth and declines
one’s capacity is not concrete and can change
Historical Context
we develop with a certain set of circumanstances by historical time and culture
Multiple Causation
development is affected by a variety of causes
Perspectives of Study
What is the The Selective Optimization with Compensation (SOC) Model?
The model that states the lifespan development consists of interactions between growth, maintenance, and loss of regulation
Perspectives of Study
What are the three parts of the SOC model?
Selective in Goals
Optimize functioning
Compensate for declines and losses
Perspectives in Study
Mechanistic Perspective
- “Machine”
- Involves passive/active interactions
- influenced by the environment
* Operant Conditioning
* Classical Conditioning
Perspectives of Study
Organic Perspective
- “Maturation”; as we mature we become the best version of ourselves
- Active interactions
- Discontinous stages
* Freud
* Erikson
Perspectives of Study
Contextual Perspective
- An individual produces their own development with environmental interactions
- Context: SES, race, gender, religion
* “Goodness of Fit”
* Niche Picking
Perspectives of Study
Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological System
- Chronosystem = Over various time frames
- Macrosystem = cultural/societal interactions
- Mesosystem = interconnections between systems
- Microsystem = closest environment to the indiivdual
- Exosystem = influences that are no immediately present but affect an individual
Persepctives of Study
What are the 4 Core Issues in Development?
- Natuer vs. Nurture
- Stability vs. Change
- Continuity vs. Discontinuity
- Universal vs. Context Specific
Population Pyramid
graphic technique for illustrating population trends
Issues in Studying Adult & Aging
What are the 4 Forces of Development?
- Biological Forces
- Psychological Forces
- Socio-Cultural Forces
- Life-Cycle Forces
Issues in Studying Adult & Aging
What are Biological Forces?
All genetic and health-related factors that affect development
* menopause
* facial wrinkling
* organ systems
Issues in Studying Adult & Aging
What are Psychological Forces?
all internal perceptual, cognitive, emotional, and personality factors that affect development
Issues in Studying Adult & Aging
What are Socio-Cultural Forces?
interpersonal, societal, cultural, and ethnic factors that affect development
Issues in Studying Adult & Aging
What are Life-Cycle Forces?
reflects differences in how the same event or combination of all 3 forces affects people at different points in their lives
Biopsychosocial Framework
ways of organizing the biological, psychological, and sociocultural forces on human development
a group of people born at the same point in time or within a specific time span
Interrelations Among the Forces
Normative-Age Graded Influnces
Exeperiences caused by forces of development that occur based on age/time
* Indicates a major change
* Examples: puberty, menopause, 21st birthday