Chapter 6 Flashcards
Ambivalent sexism theory
chivalry toward women constitutes a type of sexism (called benevolent sexism) that often coexists alongside the negative and more commonly recognized hostile sexism.
According to Margaret Mean what people of papula New Guinea were a true matriarchal society
Chambri people
Matrilineal societies
Trace descent through mothers’ kingship line
Matrilocal is when
husbands typically live near their wives families
Dyadic power is
The power to choose intimate partners and relationships and to control the interactions and decisions that occur within those relationships
Sex ratio theory
When men outnumber women, women should hold more dyadic power
When men outnumber women there is ______ divorce rates
3 ways of exerting power are
resource control
cultural ideologies
In the US men gain custody of children following divorce about _____ of the time
Androcentrism defines what
defines men and their experiences as the universal or default for the species and treats women and their experiences as deviations from the male norm.
Portrays dominant ethnic groups as universal and normal
Portrays heterosexual people as universal and normal
Double jeopardy hypothesis is
those who belong in two or more subordinate groups face more discrimination than individuals who belong to only one subordinate group.
Intersectionality invisibility hypothesis is
: the prediction that people with multiple subordinate identities are noticed less than those with one subordinate identity.
When testing memory for faces research shows
That the most mistakes were distinguishing if the black faces were new or old and recognition errors of black women than any other group
Ambivalent sexism theory
IS the theory proposing that gender relations are characterized by both negative (hostile sexism) and seemingly positive (benevolent sexism) attitudes towards women.
Hostile sexism is
negative antagonistic attitudes towards women who violate traditional gender role norms. That women are less competent, moody and untrustworthy. (insults women)
Benevolent sexism
subjectively positive but patronizing attitudes towards women who conform to traditional gender role norms. (flatters women)
Benevolent attitudes toward men consists
positive attitudes about men’s roles as protectors and providers and beliefs that men out to be cared for domestically by women.
Social dominance orientation (SDO)
IS the belief that inequality is right and fair because some people and groups should have more status than others. People higher in this tend to prefer occupations that protect interests of high-status groups whereas people low in this prefer occupations that benefit subordinate groups.
System justification theory
theory proposing that people are motivated to justify the socio-political system that governs them (even if it treats them unfairly) because doing so reduces uncertainty.
Attributional ambiguity is
the difficulty that people have in attributing negative treatment to discrimination when other possible explanations are present
Two key factors of collective action are
a) Recognition that a subordinate group is unfairly disadvantaged
b) anger on behalf of the group
What is one barrier that Allies experience?
He will be stereotyped as highly feminine and low in masculinity.