Chapter 14 Flashcards
What is indirect or relational aggression
it involves acts intended to harm others personal relationships or status
Do men or women commit majority of violent crimes?
What time of a males live are they more likely to kill/be killed?
in their early 20’s
How much have female crime rates increase from 2000-2014
True or false; Sex differences for male aggression are the most stable across all types of reports
Are men or women more verbally aggressive?
Men are but by a very small amount
Define Relational aggression
An indirect way that an individual can harm someone using social rejection and can avoid being detected (girls use this slightly more than males)
Both men and women experience more aggression towards ___ then ___
Men then women
Men or women are more likely to be victims of violent crimes
Women and men are _______ likely to suffer from intimate partner violence
Men commit ____ of rapes of women and girls
Men commit ____ of rapes in boys and men
____% of rape allegations are false
What type of people make up over half of the sexual assuault perpetrators in the states? and what type of people are far more likely to get arrested for rape
black and Latino
White people are more likely to receive ____________ sentences then black and Latino people
What are the two recognized types of sex-based harassment in the USA?
a) Quid pro qup harassment: when a person of power offers an advantage in exchange for sexual favours
b) Hostile environment harassment: negative speech or behavior that is intimidating or offensive
what three different types can sex-bassed harassment be divided into?
a) Gender harassment
b) unwanted sexual attention
c) Sexual coercion
What is the primary motivation for sex-based harassment?
that individuals want to protect their own sex-based status
true or false; individuals who experienced childhood abuse or witnessed domestic violence as a child are more likely to be involved in intimate partner violence as adults?
According to the confluence model of sexual aggression what are the two primary factors that predict men’s sexual aggression against women
a) Their hostile attitudes towards women
b) Preference for impersonal sex that lacks emotional closeness
By adulthood men have _____ x more testosterone then women
in honour cultures, if a wife commits infidelity then the man is perceived as less _________ and _________
Honourable and manly
Those who experience bullying of any sort are almost ____ as likely to commit suicide as those who don’t.
Twice as likely