Chapter 6 Flashcards
Achieved Statueses
Social positions people may attain later in life
Related through marriage
Age Sets
Non-kin forms of social organization composed of young men born within a specified time span, which are part of a sequence of age sets that proceeds through youth, maturity, and old age
Ascribed Statuses
Social positions people are assigned to at birth
Bilateral Descent
Principle that descent group is formed based on connections of relatedness made through both mom and dad
Blended Family
Family merged together by another marriage that aren’t related by blood
Family on brides stuff gives their own important things to the grooms family
Group of members that believe they have a common ancestor
Conjugal Family
Family based on marriage; at minimum, a spousal pair and their children
Transfer of wealth from parents to their child
The person that is getting their kinship mapped
Marriage within a social group
Marriage outside a social group
Extended Family
Family pattern made up of 3 generations living together
Family of Chocie
Created overtime by new kin ties and lovers demonstrate their genuine commitment to one another
A woman or a man and her/his dependent children
Unofficial bonds that people construct with others that tend to be personal, affective, and often a matter of choice
Joint Family
Family pattern made up of brothers and their wives along with their children living together
Social relationships that are prototypically derived from the universal human experiences of mating, birth, and nuturance
Descent group made up of blood relatives who think they can trace their descent from known ancestors
Transforms the status of the participants, carries implications about sexual access, gives offspring a position in society and establishes connections between the kin of the husband and the kin of a wife
Being married to one person at a time
Non-Conjugal Family
Woman and her kids, father may occasionally be present or completely absent
Nuclear Family
Family made up of 2 generations; parents and their unmarried children
Being married to more than one person and a time
Socially recognized ties that connect people in a variety of ways
Secret Societies
Non-kin forms of social organization that initiate young men or women into social adulthood and reveal “secret” knowledge to initiated members
Segementary Opposition
An approach to dispute resolution and social organization in which groups beyond the most basic emerge only in opposition to other groups on the same hierarchical level
Non-kin forms of social organization; special purpose groupings that may be organzied on the basis of age, sex, economic role, and or personal interest
Unilineal Descent
Pattern of descent in which a descent group is formed based on connections of relatedness made though either father or mother