Chapter 3 Flashcards
Small group of foragers where labour is divided according to sex and social relations are highly egalitarian
System dominated by a supply and demand market design to create capital and profit
Culture domination of a people by larger wealthier powers
Where chief and the close relatives are set apart from the rest of society and allowed privledge access to wealthier power prestige
Cultural Area
Region where cultural traditions share similar cultural traits
Cultural Traits
Particular features of partial cultural traditions, dance, music, ritual, style of pottery
The withdrawal of colonial power from territory that had been under it’s control
Historical Particularism
Study of cultures in their own historical contexts
Where 1 country controls other less powerful one’s through colonication (by military force)
Econimic ties linking formal colonial territories to former colonial rulers
Political Economy
Organized around material interests that are protected and enhances through use of power
Small-Scale Society
Small community usually held together by family
Social Forms
Conforming collective ways of interacting with our surrounds and the people we encounter
Social Structure
Enduring aspect of social forms in a society
Stratified society controlled by formal government
Larger than a band, members farm for a living
Classification system based on systematic organization into types on the bases of shared qualities
Unilineal Cultural Evolution
A 19th century theory that proposed series of stages through which all societies must go in order to reach civilization
White mans burden
European’s sense that is was their duty to colonize rule, and “civilize” all people they view as being “savage”