Chapter 5 Flashcards
Ability to make choices through your own actions
Articulated Style
Field-Independent way of viewing the world that breaks it up into small pieces
Mental process by which human beings gain knowledge
Nexus relations between the mind at work and the world in which it works
Cognitive Style
Recurring patterns of cognitive activity that characterize an individual’s perceptual and intellectual activies
Cultural Synaesthesia
Culturally shared response to a sense other than the one being stimulated
Elementary Cognitive Processes
Mental tasks common to all humans without intellectual cognitive impairment
The product of entanglements connecting bodily arousal and cognitive interpretation
Small culture in big culture, and big culture copes with the way small culture lives
Functional Cognitive Systems
Sets of cognitive processes that guide perception, conception, reason, and emotion
Cultural beliefs and behaviours considered appropriate for each sex
Culture pretty much being bias against homosexuality
Inner impulse to set and accomplish goals
Naturalizing Discourse
Representation of particular identities as if they were a result of biology nature rather than history or culture, making them appear external and unchanging
Rules of behaviour assumed to be typical within a specific social or cultural group
How sensory info is organized
Way a person acts within a sociocultural matrix
Examples of a typical instance element, relation, or experience within a culture
Reasoning Style
Culture and context dependent ways in which we appraise, come to understand and think about a cognitive task
Patterned, repetitive experiences that are shared and easily understood by members of a particular culture
The result of the process of socialization and enculturation for an individual
Morphological differences between males and females
What kind of people a person is interested in
Process by which human beings learnt to become members of a group, by interacting appropriately with others and by coping with the behavioural rules established by the group
Social Trauma
Individual and group experience of negative physical, mental, and emotional effects resulting from powerfully disturbing things caused by forces and agents external to the person or group
Structural Violence
Series of 3 statements on which the final statement must follow logically from the first 2 statements
Syllogistic Reasoning
Form of reasoning based on the syllogism
Hierarcical systems that sort groups of things that share at least one quality into subgroups that share a greater number of qualities
The active cognitive process of “going beyond the information given”
Ways that people from different societies learn to interpret what they see and to construct pictures using the visual practices that their own cultural system favours
Zone of Proximal Development
Difference between what someone can achieve on their own and under the guidance of more experiences individuals
Increase nervous system activity and give a person pleasurable experiences by making them more alert and quickening their energy levels and mental processes