Chapter 6 Flashcards
Not Bone
Skeletal Cartilage
Contains water, lends resiliency
Contains no blood vessels or nerves
Perichondrium surrounds
-Dense connective tissue girdle
–Contains blood vessels for nutrient delivery
All contain chondrocytes in lacunae and extracellular matrix
Skeletal Cartilage (3 Types)
Hyaline Cartilage
Elastic Cartilage
Hyaline Cartilage
- Toughest
- Most abundant type
- Provides support/flexibility
- Collagen fibers only
- Articular and costal
Elastic Cartilage
- External Ear and epiglottis
- Similar to hyaline cartilage, more elastic fibers
- Thick collagen fibers- has great tensile strength
- Intervertebral discs
Growth of Cartilage (3 Types)
Appositional Growth
Interstitial Growth
Calcification of Cartilage
Appositional Growth
External face of existing cartilage
-everything grows out
Interstitial Growth
Expanding cartilage from within
Calcification of Cartilage
- Occurs during normal bone growth
- Calcified cartilage is NOT bone
- Growth Plates close
Classification of Bones (2 Groups)
Location- Axial, Appendicular
Shape- Long, Short, Flat, Irregular
Head, neck, trunk
Arms, Legs
Long Bones
Longer than they are wide
Shaft and ends
Tibia, Fibula
Short Bones
Cube shaped bones
Sesamoid bones (within tendons, e.g., patella)
Flat Bones
Thin, flat, slightly curved
Ribs, Skull
Irregular Bones
Complicated shapes
Shoulder Blades, everything else
Functions of Bones (7 Functions)
Support Protection Movement Mineral and Growth Factor Storage Blood Cell Formation Triglyceride (fat) Storage Hormone Production
Soft organs
- Skull
- Ribs
Muscles pull on bones
Mineral and Growth Factor Storage
Calcium and phosphorus, and growth factors reservoir
Blood Cell Formation
Red marrow cavity in certain bones
Triglyceride (fat) Storage
Bone cavities
-Energy source
Hormone Production
- Regulates bone formation
- Protection
Bones (3 Levels of Structure)
Organs Contains different types of tissues Three Levels of Structure -Gross Anatomy -Microscopic -Chemical
Common components of all bones
Dense outer layer of compact bone
-Smooth and solid
Spongy inner core
Gross Anatomy of Bone
Bone textures
-Compact vs. Spongy
Compact Bone
Dense outer layer
Smooth and solid
Spongy (cancellous or trabecular)
Honeycomb of flat pieces of bone deep to compact called trabeculae
Structure of Short, Irregular, and Flat Bones
-Thin plates of spongy bone covered by compact bone
-Plates sandwiched between connective tissue membranes
-Periosteum (outer layer) and endosteum
-None and no epiphyses
Bone Marrow
-Throughout spongy bone; no marrow cavity
Articular surfaces
-Cartilage covering
Structure of Typical Long Bone
-Long tubular shaft
-Compact bone surrounding medullary cavity
-Bone ends
-External compact bone
-Internal spongy bone
-Articular cartilage covers articular surfaces
-Between is epiphyseal line
–Remnant of childhood bone growth at epiphyseal plate