Chapter 56- Plastics Anatomy/Embryology/Rads Flashcards
What is the SMAS?
superficial muscular aponeurotic system
discrete fascial layer separating SQ fat from underlying parotidomasseteric fascia, CN VII
What causes deepening of nasolabial crease as patients age?
descent of: (sup to deep)
SQ malar fat pad
Orb oculi
Suborbic orbital fat pad
Formation of upper lip
Maxillary prominences and medial nasal prominences
Max- lateral lip
Med Nas- philtrum, medial upper lip, columella, nasal tip
6 wk gestation
3 embryologic structures leading to nose formation
Frontal nasal prominence- bridge
Medial nasal prominences- tip, columella
Paired lateral nasal prominences- alae
Formation of primary palate
end of 5th wk
fusion medial nasal prominences
anterior to incisive foramen
Formation of secondary palate
fusion of palatine shelves (extensions of maxillary prominences)
Fusion from A –> P, end w/ uvula creation
Describe bilateral complete cleft palate
vomer and premaxilla don’t fuse with palatal shelves
Hillocks forming ear
1- tragus 2/3- crus helicis 4- crus antihelicis 5- helix 6- antitragus
5 layers of forehead/scalp
Skin subCutaneous tissue galea Aponeurosis Loose areolar tissue Pericranium
With what fascia is the galea aponerosis continuous with inferiorly
temporoparietal fascia below temporal line
Brow elevators/depressors (4)
Frontalis- elevator
Procerus, corrugator supercilii, orb oculi- depressor
With which fascias is the SMAS continuous?
temporal perital fascia in temporal region
platysma in neck
Facial muscles located deep to facial nerve supply
buccinator, levator anguli oris, mentalis
What does the angular artery supply?
lateral soft tissue envelope of nose
facial aesthetic subunits
forehead and brow periorbita cheek nose perioral and chin neck
9 aesthetic subunits nose
tip dorsum columella sidewalls alae soft tissue facets