Chapter 5.4 - Airspeed, Manoeuvre and Weight Limitations Flashcards
True or False. An Aircraft is generally limited by structural criteria rather than Aerodynamic considerations or by the power available?
When an Aircraft in flight encounters a gust, the resulting load is in addition to the Aircraft’s normal weight. What is the name of this term called?
Load Factor.
True or False. Load Factor can be both positive and negative?
When would an Aircraft experience positive load factor (2)?
- Straight and Level Flight.
- Pull-up Manoeuvres.
When would an Aircraft experience negative load factor?
Lift force acts in the same direction as Weight.
What is the load factor in Straight and Level flight?
Name two factors of increasing loads acting on an Aircraft in flight?
- Gust Loads (Turbulence).
- Manoeuvre Loads.
Name three factors of increasing loads acting on an Aircraft on ground?
- Taxiing.
- Takeoff.
- Landing.
Define Gusts?
Rapid change of direction and speed of the wind.
Horizontal Gusts increase/decrease the lift by changing the speed of what?
Relative Airflow.
Vertical Gusts increase/decrease the lift by changing the what?
Angle of Attack.
Define Vs (2)?
- Stall Speed.
- Minimum Speed in unaccelerated flight.
Where can the Vs be located on the ASI?
Lower end of the green arc.
Define Vs1?
Minimum Speed in unaccelerated flight in a Specified Configuration.
Define Vs2?
Minimum Speed in unaccelerated flight in a Landing Configuration.
Where can Vs2 be located on the ASI?
Lower end of the white arc.
What does Vne stand for?
Never Exceed Speed.
What phenomenon can occur to the Aircraft when flying close to Vne?
Control Surfaces may Flutter.
True or False. Flutter can occur only at the Vne speed (2)?
- False.
- Vne speed is assumed in calm air.
What does Vno stand for?
Maximum Structural Cruising Speed.
What does Va stand for?
Manoeuvre Speed.
What does Vb stand for?
Turbulence Penetration Speed.
When should a Pilot use Vb?
When flying into moderate or greater intensity of Turbulence.
What does Vfe stand for?
Maximum Flaps Extended Speed.
What does Vfo stand for?
Maximum Flap Operating Speed.
Define Vlo (2)?
- Maximum Landing Gear Operating Speed.
- Maximum Speed for lowering/raising the Landing Gear.
Define Vle (2)?
- Maximum Landing Gear Extended Speed.
- Maximum Speed that applies when the Landing Gear is locked down.
What does MTOW and MLDW stand for?
- Maximum Takeoff Weight.
- Maximum Landing Weight.
Define MRW?
- Maximum Ramp Weight.
- Maximum permitted weight of an Aircraft at any time.
True or False. MRW can be higher than MTOW why (2)?
- True.
- Extra taxi allowance fuel can be added to MTOW.
Define MZFW (2)?
- Maximum Zero Fuel Weight.
- Maximum Weight of an Aircraft with Zero Fuel.
What does MFLI stand for?
Maximum Floor Loading Intensity.