Chapter 52 Flashcards
What is Ecology?
Ecology is the study of emergent properties of living things.
Study of what happens when living things are put together.
Early 1970’s was the…
beginning of environmental movement.
What were the 3 big motivators of the environmental movement?
- Earth rise Apollo 8: It showed that Earth is all we have. Its our world and “if we mess it up we are screwed.”
- The Cuyahoga River Fire: There was too many pollutants on the water and set fire. Could not put the fire out, and it made people start thinking about “What are we doing to our water?”
- Silent Spring by Rachel Carson: There are no song birds around springs. Spraying pesticides that contaminated worms. Birds came to eat them and would die because of eating too many worms.
What is Bioaccumulation?
Concentration of chemicals
For example concentrated chemical in a bird because they eat more than worms.
What are some of the Ocean currents?
California Current, Antarctic Circumpolar Current, Indian Ocean Subtropical Gyre, South Pacific Subtropical Gyre, South Atlantic Subtropical Gyre, North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre
What is the Water Cycle?
Water is lighter than air. Water groups accumulates and then gets heavier.
Precipitation is when water pushes up because of mountain ranges and elevation pressure pushes them out.
What is happening to the American beech trees and what is expected to happen?
Over the next century there will be a 4.5 Celsius warming and instead of the east side of America being covered in the trees, only the northern part and most of Canada will be covered.
What determines biomes?
Precipitation and temperature determines the biomes.
What are biomes?
They are large generalized systems.
What are the biomes discussed in class?
Rain Forest, Desert, Savanna, Chaparral, Coniferous forest, Deciduous Forest, Tundra
What are some of the characteristics of the Rain forest?
Tons of variety of species and diversity. Lots of precipitation occurs on equator.
Sun directing rays on the water creates evaporation so lots of precipitation!
Defining characteristics of the biome desert
Unpredictable rainfall
Desert in Arizona gets 10-15 inches of rain a year and has tons of diversity of life
Defining characteristics of the biome Savanna
Spacious and open has a couple of species of trees
Defining characteristics of the biome Chaparral
Chaparral areas are surrounded by water
Has very thick vegetation
Defining characteristic of Coniferous forest
Product of the Ice Age
Survives in tough soils, has soft woods.
Defining characteristic of Deciduous forest
Color changes in fall, Full of trees with broad leaf, Trees that like rich soils, has very rich soils.
Defining characteristic of Tundra
Tundra is above treelines and shrubs, things grow slowly, never direct sunlight, doesn’t get a lot of sunlight.
How are biomes defined?
Biomes are major ecosystem types and are defined by dominant plants.