Chapter 5 - The History of Eukaryotes Flashcards
Eukaryotes first appeared approximately ___ _______ years ago
2 billion
Evidence suggests evolution from prokaryotic organisms into eukaryotic organisms occurred via _____________
Eukaryotic organelles originated from prokaryotic cells trapped ______ them
Always unicellular
May be unicellular or multicellular
Fungi or algae
Multicellular except reproductive stages
Helminths (animals with unicellular egg or larva forms)
What are the four kingdoms of fungi?
- Division Zygomycota
- DIvision Ascomycota
- Division Basidiomycota
- Microsporidia
Zygote fungi
Division Zygomycota
- Rhizopus
Sac fungi
Division Ascomycota
- Morchella, Sacchoromyces, Penecillium
Club fungi
Division Basidiomycota
- Coprinus, Agaricus
How many species of fungi are there?
100,000 species of fungi can be divided into what 2 groups?
- Macroscopic fungi
- mushrooms, puffballs, gill fungi - Microscopic fungi
- molds, yeasts
Majority of fungi are __________ or ________l; a few have cellular specialization
Unicellular or colonial
Microscopic fungi exist in what two morphologies?
1 Yeast
2. Hyphae
Characterized by its round ovoid shape, mode of asexual reproduction
Long filamentous fungi or molds
Some fungi exist in either form yeast or hyphae
- Characteristic of some pathogenic molds
- All are heterotrophic
- Majority are harmless saprobes living off dead plants and animals
- Some are parasites, living on the tissues of other organisms, but none are obligate
- Growth temperature 20o-40oC
- Extremely widespread distribution in many habitats
Most grow in loose associations or colonies
Soft, uniform texture and appearance
Mass of hyphae called mycelium; cottony, hairy, or velvety texture
Filamentous fungi
Cottony, hairy, or velvety texture
Hyphae may be divided by cross walls called:
Digest and absorb nutrients
Vegetative hyphae
Produce spores for reproduction
Reproductive hyphae
Fungi primarily reproduce through ______formed on reproductive hyphae
Spores are formed through budding or mitosis; conidia or sporangiospores
Asexual reproduction
Spores are formed following fusion of two different strains and formation of sexual structure
- zygospores, ascospores, and basidiospores
Sexual reproduction
Sexual spores and spore-forming structures are one basis for ______________
- Mycoses, allergies, toxin production
- Destruction of crops and food storages
Adverse impact
- Decomposers of dead plants and animals
- Sources of antibiotics, alcohol, organic acids, vitamins
- Used in making foods and in genetic studies
Beneficial impact
- Division Euglenophyta (Euglena)
- Division Bacillariophyta (the diatoms)
- Division Dinoflagellata (dinoflagellates, Ceratium)
- Division Chlorphyta (the green algae: Spirogyra, Volvox)
Autotrophic Protists: the “Algae”
- Phylum Rhizopoda (Amoeba)
- Phylum Kinetoplastida (Trypanosoma)
- Phylum Apicomplexa (Plasmodium)
- Phylum Ciliata (Paramecium)
Heterotrphic Protists: the “Protozoa”
Eukaryotic organisms, usually unicellular and colonial, that photosynthesize with chlorophyll a, lack vascular systems for transporting water, simple reproductive systems
Unicellular eukaryotes that lack tissues and share similarities in cell structure, nutrition, life cycle, and biochemistry
- Photosynthetic organisms
- Microscopic forms are unicellular, colonial, filamentous
- Macroscopic forms are colonial and multicellular
- Contain chloroplasts with chlorophyll and other pigments
- Cell wall
- May or may not have flagella
Most are free-living in fresh and marine water
- Most are free-living in fresh and marine water – plankton
- Provide basis of food web in most aquatic habitats
- Produce large proportion of atmospheric O2
- Dinoflagellates can cause red tides and give off toxins that cause food poisoning with neurological symptoms
- Classified according to types of pigments and cell wall
- Used for cosmetics, food, and medical products
- Diverse group of 65,000 species
- Vary in shape, lack a cell wall
- Most are unicellular; colonies are rare
- Most are harmless, free-living in a moist habitat
- Some are animal parasites and can be spread by insect vectors
- All are heterotrophic – lack chloroplasts
- Cytoplasm divided into ectoplasm and endoplasm
- Most have locomotor structures – flagella, cilia, or pseudopods
- Exist as trophozoite – motile feeding stage
- Many can enter into a dormant resting stage when conditions are unfavorable for growth and feeding – cyst
- All reproduce asexually, mitosis or multiple fission; many also reproduce sexually – conjugation
Primarily flagellar motility, some flagellar and amoeboid; sexual reproduction
Primarily amoeba; asexual by fission; most are free-living
Cilia; trophozoites and cysts; most are free-living, harmless
Motility is absent except male gametes; sexual and asexual reproduction; complex life cycle – all parasitic
Classification of protozoa is difficult because of _________
Simple grouping of protozoa is based on method of ________, ____________, and ____ _____
Motility, reproduction, and life cycle
T. brucei
African sleeping sickness
T. cruzi
Chaga’s disease; South America
Entamoeba histolytica
amebic dysentery; worldwide
- Multicellular animals, organs for reproduction, digestion, movement, protection
- Parasitize host tissues
- Have mouthparts for attachment to or digestion of host tissues
- Most have well-developed sex organs that produce eggs and sperm
- Fertilized eggs go through larval period in or out of host body
Parasitic Helminths
Flat, no definite body cavity, digestive tract, simple excretory and nervous systems
Round, a complete digestive tract, a protective surface cuticle, spines and hooks on mouth; excretory and nervous systems poorly developed
- Acquired through ingestion of larvae or eggs in food; from soil or water; insect vectors
- Affect billions of humans
Approximately 50 species parasitize humans
Parasitic Worms
Distributed worldwide; some restricted to certain geographic regions with higher incidence in tropics
Parasitic Worms
- Classify according to shape, size, organ development, presence of hooks, suckers, or other special structures, mode of reproduction, hosts, and appearance of eggs and larvae
- Identify by microscopic detection of adult worm, larvae, or eggs