Chapter 15 - We Are Not Alone Flashcards
The human body exists in a state of _______ ___________ with microorganisms
Dynamic equilibrium
Many interactions between human body and microorganisms involve the development of ________
____________ of the body involves a constant “give and take”
Microbes that engage in mutual or commensal associations
Normal (residential) flora, indigenous flora, microbiota
Causes infection
Its in tissues and organs and causes disease
Infectious disease
Most areas of the body in contact with the _______ ___________ harbor resident microboes
Outside environment
What are microbe-free?
Internal organs, tissues, and fluids
Microbes that occupy the body for only short periods
Transients (we pick these up)
Microbes that become established
Residents (normal flora)
What are the sites that harbor a normal flora?
- Skin and its contiguous mucous membranes
- Upper respiratory tract
- Gastrointestinal tract (various parts)
- Outer opening of urethta
- External genitalia
- Vagina
- External ear and canal
- External eye (lids, lash, follicles)
What are all the internal tissues and organs that are sterile (microbe-free)
- Heart and circulatory system
- Liver
- Kidneys and bladder
- Lungs
- Brain and spinal cord
- Muscles
- Bones
- Ovaries/testes
- Glands (pancreas, salivary, thyroid)
- Sinuses
- Middle and inner ear
- Internal eye
What are the fluids within an organ or tissue that are sterile (microbe-free)
- Blood
- Urine in kidneys, ureters, bladder
- Cerebrospinal fluid
- Saliva prior to entering the oral cavity
- Semen prior to entering the urethra
- Amniotic fluid surrounding the embryo and fetus
Bacterial flora benefit host by preventing overgrowth of harmful microbes
Microbial antagonism
Endogenous infections
______ and contents are normally sterile and remain so until just before birth
Breaking of fetal membrane exposes the infant; all subsequent handling and feeding continue to introduce what will be ______ _____
Normal flora
____ is the largest and most accessible organ
What are two cutaneous populations?
- Transients
2. Residents
The GI tract is a long hollow tube, bounded by what?
Mucous membranes
Variations in flora distribution due to varying conditions like what?
pH, oxygen tension, and anatomy
Oral cavity, large intestine, and rectum harbor which flora?
Substantial flora
What has the most diverse and unique flora of the body?
The mouth has numerous adaptive ______
What is the bacterial count of saliva?
5x10^(9 cells) per milliliter
Has complex and profound interactions with host
Flora of large intestine
10^8-10^11 microbes per gram of feces
Large intestine flora
Intestinal environment favors _________ bacteria
Intestinal bacteria contribute to intestinal ____
Oral streptococci are the:
First organisms to colonize
Nasal entrance, nasal vestibule, anterior nasopharynx
S. aureus
Mucous membranes of nasopharynx
Tonsils and lower pharynx
What ate the sites that harbor microflora?
Male and female genitourinary tract
Changes in physiology influence the composition of the ______ _____
Normal flora
- Vagina (estrogen, glycogen, pH)
Normal flora is essential to the ______ of humans
Flora create an environment that may prevent infections and can enhance host ________
Antibiotics, dietary changes, and disease may:
Alter flora
Introducing known microbes back into the body
What are the major factors in the development of infection?
Portal of entry => Adhesion => Invasion => Multiplication => Infection of target => Disease => Portal of exit
Influenza virus, plague bacillus, malarial protozoan
True pathogens
Pseudomonas sp and Candida albicans
Opportunistic pathogens
Cause infection in perfectly healthy people
True pathogen
Only cause disease when host defenses are down
Opportunistic pathogen
More virulent, more pathogenic, refers to the degree of pathogenicity
What are factors that weaken host defenses and increase susceptibility to infection?
- Old age and extreme youth (infancy, prematurity)
- Genetic defects in immunity and acquired defects in immunity (AIDS)
- Surgery and organ transplants
- Organic disease: cancer, liver malfunction, diabetes
- Chemotherapy/immunosupressive drugs
- Physical and mental stress
- Other infections
- These conditions compromise defense barriers or immune responses
What are the portals of entry?
- Skin
- Gastrointestinal tract
- Respiratory tract
- Urogenital tract
- Transplacental
Minimum number of microbes required for infection to proceed
Infectious Dose (ID)
Microbes with small IDs have greater _________
Lack of ID will not result in _________
What are the ways of adhesion? (attaching to the host)
- Fimbrae
- Flagella
- Adhesive slimes or capsules
- Cilia
- Suckers
- Hooks
- Barbs
Initial response of host defenses comes from __________
Used to avoid phagocytosis
Antiphagocytic factors
Species of Staphylococcus and Streptococcus produce ___________, toxic to white blood cells
Makes phagocytosis difficult
Slime layer or capsule
What are factors that cause disease?
- Virulence factors
- Exoenzymes
- Toxigenicity
- Antiphagocytic factors
What are the two types of toxigenicity?
- Endotoxin
- Exotoxin
Produce inside cells
Produce outside cells
Possibly toxic, inside bacteria and secreted while still alive
Inside bacteria until cells die
Strong specificity for a target cell
- Hemolysis
- A-B toxins (A-active, B-binding)
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), part of the outer membrane of gram-negative cell walls
- often toxic
Very common products of gram-negative
- Variety of systemic effects (common side effects)
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
What are four distinct stages of clinical infections?
- Incubation period
- Prodromal stage
- Period of invasion
- Convalescent period
Infection in a specific area
Localized infection
Infection that can effect the entire body
Systemic infection
Infection that starts local, but some microbes are able to move and cause an infection somewhere else too
Focal infection
Infection caused by a mixture of bacteria
Mixed infection
Infection that can lead to secondary infection
Primary infection
Infection from primary infection
Secondary infection
Infection that comes on rapidly and usually goes away quickly - doesn’t last long
Acute infection
Infection that does not go away
Chronic infection
What are the earliest symptoms of disease as a result of the activation of the body defenses?
Fever, pain, soreness, swelling
What are the signs of inflammation?
- Edema
- Granulomas and abscesses
- Lymphadenitis
What are the signs of infection in the blood?
Changes in the number of circulating white blood cells
- Leukocytosis
- Leukopenia
- Septicemia
- Bacteremia
- Viremia
What does CBC stand for?
Complete blood count
Although infected, the host doesn’t show any signs of disease
Asymptomatic (subclinical) infections
__________ _________, so person doesn’t seek medical attention
Inapparent infection
Pathogens depart by specific avenue; greatly influences the dissemination of _________
What are the portals of exit?
- Respiratory-mucus, sputum, nasal drainage, saliva
- Skin scales
- Fecal exit
- Urogenital tract
- Removal of blood
Apparent recovery of host does not always mean the microbe has been _______
Damage that has been done to tissues or cells by an infectious agent
Primary habitat of pathogen in the natural world
- Human or animal carrier, soil, water, plants
Individual or object from which an infection is actually acquired
An infection indigenous to animals but naturally transmissible to humans
A live animal (other than human) that transmits an infectious agent from one host to another
The majority of vectors are __________
- fleas, mosquitoes, flies, and ticks
Some larger animals can also spread _________
- mammals, birds, lower vertebrates
Actively participate in a pathogen’s life cycle
Biological vectors
Not necessary to the life cycle of an infectious agent and merely transports it without being infected
Mechanical vector
If a human has a zoonosis they ____ transmit it to others
At least ___ zoonoses exist worldwide; make up 70% of all new emerging diseases worldwide
With zoonoses it is impossible to eradicate the disease without eradicating the animal _________
What are nonliving reservoirs?
Soil, water, and air
A highly communicable disease is __________
- Occurs primarily when a compromised person is invaded by his or her own normal microflora
- Contact with organism in natural, non-living reservior
Non-communicable infectious disease
What are the patterns of transmission?
- Direct contact
- Indirect contact
- Vehicle
- Airborne
Diseases that are acquired or developed during a hospital stay
- from surgical procedures, equipment, personnel, and exposure to drug-resistant microorganisms
- 2 to 4 million cases/year in the U.S. with approximately 90,000 death
Nosocomial infections
- Most commonly involve urinary tract, respiratory tract, and surgical incisions
- Most common organisms involved: gram-negative intestinal flora
- E. coli, Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus
Nosocomial infections
Stringent measures to prevent the spread of nosocomial infections from patient to patient, from patient to worker, and from worker to patient
Universal precautions
Universal precautions are based on the assumption that all patient specimens could harbor __________ ______, so they must be treated with the same degree of care
Infectious agents
The study of the frequency and distribution of disease and health-related factors in human populations
Collecting, analyzing, and reporting data on rates of occurrence, mortality, morbidity, and transmission of infections
- Reportable, notifiable diseases must be reported to authorities
Number of people killed
Number of people infected
What does CDC stand for?
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Where is the CDC located?
Atlanta, GA
Principal government agency responsible for keeping track of infectious diseases nationwide
Spreads to large region
Spreads worldwide