Chapter 5 – Evaluating Health and Physical Fitness Flashcards
Describes a lifestyle behavioral pattern that includes very little physical activity.
Genetic predisposition
Increased propensity towards a conditioning or outcome based on
one’s inherited genes
Premature mortality
A measure of unfilled life expectancy or death before age 75, usually caused by preventable factors.
Refers to death that occurs in a population or other group.
A potentially dangerous increase in body temperature above normal levels which can lead to heat-related illnesses, such as heat cramps, exhaustion, or stroke.
A potentially dangerous decrease in body temperature below normal levels which can lead to diminished neuromuscular control, frostbite, or death: body temperature below 95.0 °F
A potentially life-threatening condition resulting from the destruction of muscle tissue and subsequent release of muscle fiber content into the blood stream which may cause failure of major organs.
Refers to a below-normal plasma sodium concentration.
A potentially-dangerous abnormal heart rhythm which can be caused by physical exertion or without activity in cases where there is an issue with the cardiovascular system or presence of disease.
Acute angina
A short-term chest pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus
A metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar, insulin resistance, and relative lack of insulin production.
The state of being responsible for something, especially by law
Professional negligence
Failure to take proper care during standard protocol or to use reasonable care, potentially resulting in damage or injury to another person: doing something a reasonable person would not do or the omission of something that a reasonable person would do.
Informed Consent
An informed consent is a valuable document for personal training services: it provides powerful legal defense against claims that suggest a client was not informed about the protocols and the inherent risks associated with the activities they were instructed to perform.
PAR-Q+ stands for physical activity readiness questionnaire for everyone, with the plus representing the recent updates
Used as a reference term for older populations or people, especially with regard to their health care or special needs.
A term used to indicate poor blood lipid profile measurements: elevated low-density cholesterol, low levels of high-density cholesterol, elevated total cholesterol levels or sub-optimal cholesterol ratio
Metabolic syndrome
Recognized as a cluster of interrelated conditions–high blood pressure, poor glucose management, excess body fat (especially around the waist), systemic inflammation, and abnormal cholesterol levels–that significantly increases one’s risk for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.
Creeping obesity
Obesity resulting from incremental weight gain over a period of time
Needs analysis
The identification, organization, and prioritization of physiological needs applicable to improving an individual’s health and fitness measurements: a list of what the client needs to improve in his or her health and fitness.