Chapter 14 – Cardiorespiratory Fitness Flashcards
Submaximal tests
A category of assessment methods in which test protocols do not reach the maximal capacities of the systems; maximal measures are predicted by incorporating physiological responses to these submaximal workloads.
Heart rate training zone
A heart rate range relative to an individual’s heart rate max that should be maintained during cardiovascular training to obtain targeted adaptations.
Graded exercise test
An evaluation of cardiorespiratory capacity in which periodic increases in intensity are employed to achieve maximal or sub maximal workloads, often using a treadmill or cycle ergometer.
Max Heart Rate Formula
220 – age = Max HR
Multifactor General Population Formula for Max Heart Rate in Men
Max HR = 203.9 – (0.812 x age) + (0.276 x RHR) – (0.084 x kg) – (4.5 x smoking code)
Multifactor General Population Formula for Max Heart Rate in Women
Max HR = 204.8 – (0.718 x age) + (0.162 x RHR) – (0.105 x kg) – (6.2 x smoking code)
Multifactor General Population Formula for Max Heart Rate in Obese Individuals
Max HR = 200 – (0.5 x age)
Multifactor General Population Formula for Max Heart Rate in Older Adults
Max HR = 208 – (0.7 x age)
Heart Rate Reserve Method
Heart Rate Reserve = Max HR – Resting HR
Training HR = (HRR x Training Intensity expressed as a percentage) + RHR
Lactate threshold training
Lactate threshold training employs tactics that vary the amount of anaerobic contribution during the aerobic exercise bout.
Lactate threshold
The point where lactate production equals the rate of lactate clearance.
Cross Training
utilizes different exercise modes for aerobic improvements. In some cases, the exercise mode varies by exercise session. In other cases, different modes are used within the same workout.
Cardio Circuit Training
Cardio circuit training is aerobic conditioning that utilizes different exercise types, and often total-body contributions during the exercise session.
Fartlek training
Swedish for “speed play”, a training method that blends interval and aerobic training by using unstructured fluctuations of higher and lower intensity efforts.
Positive feedback loop
A cyclic process in which the body’s response to a stimulus results in a further amplification of the stimulus.
Deficiency in the amount of oxygen reaching the tissues.
Shin splints
A common term for medial tibial stress syndrome, a condition characterized by pain along the inner edge of the tibia