Chapter 5 Flashcards
What is the purpose of an Oreo facial examination?
To identify or rule out structural factors that relate to a communicative disorder or dysphagia
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has mandated Universal Precautions (UP) to be followed to reduce a persons exposure to diseases that are spread by blood and certain bodily fluids. True or false
To complete an oral mechanism exam, you will need:
Disposable gloves
Small flashlight
Tongue depressor
Asymmetrical face is often associated with -
Neurological impairment or muscle weakness
A client who is classified as a mouth breather may have -
Restricted pathway to nasal cavity
If mouth breathing problems persist and _____ is present, refer to physician
Hyponasal speech
A client who is classified as a mouthed breather may be associated with-
Anterior posturing of the tongue at rest
Children have a total of ___ teeth while adults have a total of ____ teeth
Depending on which teeth are missing, articulation may be impaired. True or false
An abnormal gray color of the tongue may be associated with-
Paresis or paralysis
An abnormal blueish tint to the tongue may be associated with
Excessive vascularity or bleeding
An abnormal whitish color along the border of the hard and soft palate may be associated with -
Submucosal cleft
Dark or translucency color is an indication of
Fistula or cleft
Poor intracranial pressure may be a sign of -
Labial weakness
Poor intramural pressure may be a sign of
Velopharyngral inadequacy, velopharayngeal insufficiency (structural problem) or velopharyngeal incompetence (functional problem)
When there is poor intracranial pressure, it’s important to check for
Nasal emission or air escaping from the lips
Short lingual frenulum may result in -
An articulation disorder or tongue tie
A short lingual frenulum may have to need to undergo ____
Many children have large tonsils with ___ adverse effects on speech production
In some cases enlarged tonsils may interfere with
General health
Normal resonance
Hearing acuity (when Eustachian tubes are blocked)
Enlarged tonsils may ____, which capsule impact articulation
Force forward carriage of tongue
Always assume clients, and possibly other staff, are an infectious risk and use appropriate barrier practices such as:
Sterilize all equipment used in the mouth.
Wash hands before and after contact.
Never use single-use equipment (e.g., gloved, tongue depressor, toothette, etc.) more than once.
Wear gloves if there will be any contact with bodily fluids, mucous membranes, or broken skin.
Remove gloves promptly without touching the outside of them (turn them inside out when removing), and then safely dispose of them.
Wash hands after removing gloves.