Chapter 10 Flashcards
A neurodevelopmental disorder that is characterized by difficulty with social communication and restricted repetitive behaviors
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
Th standard classification of mental disorders used by mental health professionals in the United States
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5)
According to the DSM-5, there are ____ criteria that must be present to qualify for diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
DSM-5 criterias that must be present:
- Impaired social communication
- Restricted and repetitive interests, activities and behaviors
- Persons social communicative challenges have a negative impact on relationships, academic achievement
- Onset of symptoms occurs in early childhood
- These behaviors cannot be accounted for intellectual disability, general development delay, or any other diagnosis.
Difficulties with social interaction and interaction in multiport settings. difficulties are noticable in all three areas:
Deficits in social-emotional reciprocity
Deficits in non-verbal communication used for social interaction
Deficits in developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships
Impaired social communication
Impaired social communication difficulties are noticeable in all three area:
Deficits in social-emotional reciprocity
Deficits in non-verbal communication used for social interaction
Deficits in developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships
The person demonstrates at least 2 of the following 4 behaviors:
Stereotyped or repetitive speech, motor movements or use of objects
Abnormally restricted or fixed interest
Hyper- or hypoactive sensory behavior
The person demonstrated at least 2 of the following 4 behaviors:
1. Stereotyped or repetitive speech, motor movements or use of objects
2. Inflexibility
3. Abnormally restricted or fixed interests
4. Hyper- or hypoactive sensory behavior
Restricted and repetitive interests, activities, and behaviors
DSM-5 criteria: the persons social communicative challenges have a ____ impact on relationships, academic achievement, and/or occupational performance
DSM-5 criteria: onset of symptoms occurs in ______ even if behaviors are not recognized until later when communication demands exceed abilities
Early childhood
DSM-5 criteria: these behaviors _____ be accounted for intellectual disability, general developmental delay, or any other diagnosis
DSM-5 _____ is determined according to the amount of support the person needs
Severity a
Autism spectrum disorder is a separate diagnosis from intellectual disability or other speech-language diagnosis. True or false
More than one diagnosis can co-occur in the same client. True or false
The clients social communication must be _____ what would be expected for his or her overall development level or other known diagnoses
Some clients may have difficulty with social communication , yet do not meet the requirements for a diagnosis of ASD
Social (pragmatic) communication disorder
These clients may meet the criteria for social (pragmatic) communication disorder as defined in the DSM-5
Clients with difficulty with social commutation, yet do not meet the requirements for a diagnosis of ASD
5 Social (pragmatic) communication disorders:
- Difficulty with social, verbal, and nonverbal communication that cannot be accounted for by intellectual disability, specific language impairment, ASD, or other diagnosis
- Difficulty acquiring and using spoken and written language
- Inappropriate responses in conversation
- Social communicative challenges that have a negative impact on relationships, academic achievement, and/or occupational performance
- Onset of symptoms occurs in early childhood, even if behaviors are not recognized until later when communication demands exceed abilities
Difficulty acquiring and using spoken and written language include
Difficulty following rules for conversation and storytelling
May not understand non literal or ambiguous language
Inappropriate responses in conversation include:
Difficulty modifying his/her communication according to changes in the audience or context
Early indicators of Autism Spectrum Disorder or Social Communication Disorder
Do not respond to social bids
Do not smile responsively
Do not reciprocate affection
Use limited to no eye contact during interactions
Do not imitate the actions of others (e.g. eave goodbye)
Do not create simple play schemes or sequences with toys
Do not engage in imaginative play
Early indicators of Autism Spectrum Disorder or Social Communication Disorder:
Do not repeat behaviors that produce attention or laughter
Show limited interest in other children
Do not understand or use gestures to communicate
Respond inconsistently to sounds
Do not engage in a broad repertoire of functional play activities
Children with Autism (NOT SCD) often:
Engage in repetitive play activities
Demonstrate repetitive motor behaviors
Show unusual visual interests (e.g. spinning objects, studying objects)
Early indicators of autism spectrum disorder or social communication disorder: symptoms and warning signs occur in varying degrees. True or false
Early indicators of Autism Spectrum Disorder or Social Communication Disorder may also be observed in childern without autism or soicail commmuncition disorder. True or fasle
Early indicators of Autism Spectrum Disorder or Social Communication Disorder. Consider the total _______ present and _______ they are compared to typical development.
Total number of warning signs present & how unusal they are compared to typical development
Strong indicators of a disorder
No warm smiles or joyful expressions by 6 months.
No back-and-forth communicative exchange of sounds, smiles or other facial expressions by 9 months.
No babbling by 12 months
Srtong indicators of a disorder
No single words by 16 months
No meaningful 2 word phrases by 24 months
Significant loss of any language or social skills at any age
clients with ASD or SCD are likely to demonstrate certain patterns of ________& ________.
langauge comprehension & expression
Because of individual variability, not all patterns or behaviors will be seen. true or fasle
general comprehension & expression include:
Difficulty with language comprehension
Poor response to commands
High-pitched monotonous voice
Poor use of environmental cues
semantic patterns include:
Slow acquisition of vocabulary
Word-finding difficulties
Poor knowledge of word meanings
semantics patterns include:
Poor categorization abilities
Faster learning of concrete words rather than abstract words, particularly words that refer to human relations or emotions
syntatic & morphologic patterns include:
Difficulties with morphologic inflections (e.g., plural, posessives)
Use of simple short sentence structures
Difficulty with word order
Omission of grammatical morphemes
phonolgical patterns include:
Some articulation disorders
Exaggerated articulation
Difficulty with sound segmentation
Our ability to understand that other people engage in mental processes, such as cognitive knowledge and emotion, separate from our own mental processes.
theroy of mind
indivudials with ASD & SCD do not have deficits in theory of mind. true or fasle
fasle. Individuals with ASD & SCD have deficits in theory of mind.
A thorough assessment of ASD or SCD should always include _______ assessment measures.
A thorough assessment of ASD or SCD should always include authentic assessment measures. however formal test may have ______.
authentic assessment measures of ASD or SCD
Interview teachers, parents, caregivers, and others who spend a significant amount of time with the client.
Consult with other members of the multidisciplinary team. Review school records and medical records. Review cognitive assessment results obtained by a psychologist or psychiatrist.
Rule out hearing problems.
Obtain communication samples in a variety of settings. Both one-on-one and group settings.
Authentic assessment measure of ASD or SCD
Assess the client during play situations.
Take note of inappropriate physical behaviors.
Conider the client’s development of theory of mind.
authentic assessment measure of ASD or SCD
Observe the client’s communicative abilities in a variety of clinical and nonclinical situations.
Note client’s behaviors, reactions, problem-solving strategies, turn-taking abilities and so on..
Ideas to elicit certain responses:
Open a jar of bubbles, blow a few, then close the jar and hand it to the client.
Authentic measure of ASD or SCD
Place a desirable object outside of the client’s reach.
Show pictures of people who are expressing different emotions. Ask what the people are feeling.
Have the client interpret video stories that have music and sound effects, but no spoken words.