Chapter 3 Flashcards
A written case history allows a clinician to:
- Identify topics requiring further clarification
- Anticipate those areas that require treatment
- Pre-select appropriate assessment materials and procedures
The 3 phases of intake interviews include:
Opening phase
Body of the interview
Closing phase
The opening phase of intake interview involves the following:
- Introduction
- Describe the purpose of the meeting
- Explain the structure of the meeting
“ I am (your name) and I will be evaluating (your patients name) speech today. I’d like to begin by asking you some questions about her speech, then I’ll spend some time with Sarah by herself to do some formal testing. I will get together with you again when we are finished. This whole process will take approximately 90 minutes.”
This statement is apart of the ____ of the intake interview
Opening phase
The body of the interview during the intake interview consists of the following:
Both open-ended and close-ended questions
Identify primary concerns that require further clarification and follow-up
Specific questions asked during the body of the interview`
Please describe your concern
Why did you decide to come in for an evaluation? What do you hope will result?
When did you first notice this?
How did it begin? Gradually? Suddenly?
How do you react or respond to the problem? Does it bother you? What do you do?
A way of planning what you are going to say in a given situation
What does AIDET stand for
Thank you
Acknowledge the patient and any family/friends/caregivers in the room with eye contact, a smile and an appropriate greeting
Introduce yourself, your role, your expertise
Give the patient and others in the room an idea of how long the evaluation or session will take
Establish clear expectations by providing an explanation of your evaluation or session
Thank the patient, family, friends for working with you, for letting you take care of them, and for their time
Thank you
“ hello my name is Jessica, I am the student clinician at TAMIU who will be working with Daniel. I will be helping Daniel work on his articulation difficulties, specifically with his /s/. I am going to be working with Daniel for the fall semester. Today we are going to be working together for about 30 minutes. Do you have any questions?”
This is an example of _____ to a caregiver
“Hello Melissa, my name is Jessica and I’m the speech therapy assistant. Because of your stroke, your ability to talk, think and understand is changed. And I’d like to show you some ways to talk and think more clearly. This will help you understand more of what is happening around you, and help you use your words to communicate what you really want and need. Ready?”
This is an example of ______
Treatment with an adult
Sources of pre-assessments include:
Written case history
Interview with client, parent, spouse or caregiver
Information from other professionals
The purpose of pre-assessments is to combine:
Preliminary information gathered
Assessment results
Develop the most appropriate treatment recommendations
Potential problems a clinician might face when conducting a written case history
Insufficient time
Vague recall
Time lapse
Other life events
Cultural differences