Chapter 4 Tour Of The Cell Flashcards
Where is dna in a eukaryotic cell?
Where is dna in a prokaryotic cell?
Interior of the cell
What functions as a selective barrier at the boundary of every cell?
Plasma membrane
Plasma membrane is composed of
Double layer of phospholipids with various proteins attaches or embedded in it
Motility structure present in some animal cells
Region where the cells microtubules are initiated; contains a pair of centrioles
Reinforces the cell shape, functions in movement, components made of protein. Include Microfiliments Intermediate filaments Microtubules Microville
Organelle that produces hydrogen peroxide as a by product and then coverts it to water
Organelle where cellular respiration takes place and most ATP is generated
Digestive organelle where macromolecules are hydrolized
Golgi Apparatus
Organelle active in synthesis sorting and secretion of cell products
Make proteins, small dots free in cytosine or bound to rough er or nuclear envelopes
Plasma membrane
Membrane enclosing the cell
Nucleus consists of three parts
Nuclear envelope, nucleolis, chromatin
Nuclear envelope
Double membrane enclosing nucleus
Nonmembranous structure involved in the production of ribosomes
Material consisting of dna and proteins
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Network of membranous sacs and tunes; active in membrane synthesis and other synthetic and metabolic processes. Has rough and smooth regions
Cell wall (plants)
Outer layer that maintains the cells shape and protects from damage; made of cellulose, other polysaccharides and protein
Plasmodesmata (plant cell)
Cytoplasmic channels through cell walls that connect the cytoplasm of adjacent cells
Photosynthetic organelle coverts energy of sunlight to chemical energy
Central vacuole
Organelle In older plants breakdown of waste products and hydrolysis of macromolecules
The ______contains most of the genes in the eukaryotic cell
Within the nucleus DNA is organized into discrete units called
The complex of dna and proteins making up a chromosomes are called
Three main types of cell junctions in animal cells
Tight junctions
Gap junctions
Tight junctions
Plasma membranes of neighboring cells are pressed tightly together bound by proteins
Function like rivers fastening cells together into strong sheets
Gap junctions
Provide cytoplasmic channels from one cell to another similar to plasmodesmata in plants
Three important parameters of microscopy
Magnification, resolution, contrast
Two types of electron microscopes
Scanning and transmission
Basic features of all cells
Plasma membrane
The shape of the nucleus is maintained by the
Nuclear lamina
Components of the endomembrane
Nuclear envelope Endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus Lysosomes Vacuoles Plasma membrane
Smooth er
Synthesis lipids
Metabolizes carbs
Detoxifies drugs and poisons
Stores calcium ions
Rough er
Has bound ribosomes which secrete glycoproteins
Distributes transport vesicles, protein surrounded by membranes
Is a membrane factory for the cell
Golgi app
Modified products of the er
Sorts and packages
Manufacturers macromolecules
Cells engulfs another cell
Recycle the cells own organelles
Large vessicles derived from the er and Golgi
Found in nearly all eukaryotic cells
Smooth outer membrane folded into cristae
Inner membrane creates two compartments, the inter membrane space and mitochondrial matrix
Cristae present a large surface area for enzymes that synthesize atp
Chloroplast structure includes
Thylakoids, membranous sacs, stacked to form a granum
Stroma- the internal fluid
Chloroplast is one group of plant organelle called
Network of fibers extending throughout the cytoplasms
3 types of fiber make up the cytoskeleton
Microtubules - thickest
Microfiliments -thinnest
Intermediate filaments -middle
In animal cells microtubules grow out from a
The centrosome is a
Microtubule organizing center
The centrosome has a pair of centrioles, each with nine triplets of microtubules arranged in a ring
Protein that drives the bending movement of flagella and cilium
What proteins interact to cause muscle contraction
Actin and myosin